It’s Okay To Not Be Okay

I wanted to take a minute and talk about my personal war with depression. I've been very open and honest about this but I've not updated you guys on how I'm doing in a little while. I feel like it's been forever, actually. First of all, I want to say that yes, I still struggle with depression. Barring some breakthrough in science and medicine, I think depression will be around forever. That being said, I manage my depression quite well and for the most part, it doesn't play a prominent role in my life. If it's not managed well or I go through a very difficult time, the balance I've worked very hard to establish, can be thrown off. When that happens, I can struggle a bit. I've actually been…


A Break Down of Autism Behavioural Analysis (ABA) Therapy For Parents

ABA therapy is extremely essential to understand for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ADS) and their parents alike. Along with their therapist, your child will also require your constant encouragement and assistance throughout this process. Social skills are learned and improved with help of parent's involvement and support.  Let's find out how.  Why Is Behaviour Analysis Necessary For My Child?  In layman's terms, ABA can be defined as a therapy that is modeled on the science of an individual's behavior and learning. This therapy is necessary because it helps in finding out and breaking down how behavior works. You can comprehend the different ways in which learning takes place in our minds.  One can understand the consequences and the role that the environment plays in the behavior of an individual.…


Therapy is helping me become better

I had therapy yesterday and I feel like I'm making progress. I'm the picture of imperfection and I'm the first to admit that but the last to forgive myself for it. This last year has been incredibly challenging for me and that came after the hardest six months of my life. Losing my last two grandparents was so hard and I hadn't yet found my footing when my marriage imploded for a second time. That began a journey I didn't ask to go one but it was something I had no control over. Ensuring the kids got through all this has been my number one priority and honestly, that came at my own expense. Then COVID hit and our lives were turned upside down once again, just like everyone else.…


Review: Does your child with #Autism benefit from art? (@artezacolors)

I want to thank Arteza for sponsoring this brief review to help raise awareness for Autism. The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own and were not influenced in any way or by anyone. Shortly before the holiday, I received a package from a company called Arteza. They make just about every art supply you can imagine. While I'm not personally into drawing or other forms of art, I recognize the enormous benefit that art can have on a child with Autism or Special Needs. Check out all the cool art supplies that we shipped to me. [foogallery id="68903"] The boys love the sketchbooks and use the colored pencils to create their own unique masterpieces. All the supplies are top notch and I know that because my wife…


The boys have been challenging this morningĀ 

Alexa woke me up at 8am this morning (I told you I'm hooked on home automation) and that left us with about thirty minutes to get ready. At 9am, Lizze had an appointment and the boys and I were taking her there.  Elliott and Emmett have been super challenging so far but I'm hoping to work off some of their energy in the giant playroom under Dr. Pattie's office, while we wait for Lizze to finish her appointment.  There's nothing really on the schedule for today, aside from Lizze spending some time with her Mom this afternoon.  I happen to think that's a great idea and I'm more than happy to chill with the kids while she's out.  It's important that we both take time to ourselves and that's exactly…