Do you know what it’s like to be trapped in a car for 3 hours with a kid having a massive meltdown?

Emmett ended up having to go with us to Elliott and Gavin's doctors appointment.  The appointment itself went well and the boys checked out fine. Although, one thing to note is that Elliott's heart rate is very elevated and we aren't sure why. It's most likely tied to how anxious he was about the appointment but I have to keep an eye on him. Like I said, the appointment was a breeze but the car ride up and back was a total bitch.     Emmett melted down for about 75% of the trip home. Elliott freaked out and Gavin did his potty dance for most of the way up.m It was like someone flipped a switch with Emmett and set him off because their was no consoling him. Maybe he…


I just want the screaming to stop :(

Nothing is going as planned this morning.. Elliott and Gavin are doing pretty well and they are ready to make the trip to the immunologist in Cleveland. Emmett on the other hand, is another story completely.. Anxiety is definitely getting the better of Emmett today. He's refusing to go to school because he doesn't feel well. He says that he feels like he's going to throw up. Maybe he doesn't feel well. Maybe he's actually getting sick. Then again, maybe he's not.    What I suspect is that his stomach ache is the result of him being anxious about going to school by himself, without his big brother Elliott.  I think he's experiencing anxiety, which we all know can upset ones tummy. Emmett has been hysterical this morning and frankly,…


I could use some thoughts and prayers pleaseĀ 

It's going to be a really challenging day. I've got about 3 hours of driving to do, in order to get both Elliott and Gavin to the immunologist in the morning.   Between Elliott's anxiety and Gavin's having to stop every few minutes to use the bathroom, my patience will be tested.     I'm actually going to bed really early because both Elliott and Gavin are going to be struggling and I need to help them through the appointment.  Good night everyone.  


We just survived a massive, massive meltdown

From the moment I picked Elliott up from school, his anxiety level was building and building.  He may tell me what he thinks is wrong but I just don't think that it's very accurate. Based on his enormously raging meltdown, I feel like what he's telling me is missing key pieces of information, needed to figure out how to help him.  There is no consoling him. There is no reasoning with him because that trains already left the station.  I now have a headache and my stress level has been taken through the roof. 😱   


Off to physical therapy at @AkronChildrens

Emmett, Elliott and I are going to be on our way to physical therapy at Akron Children's Hospital. Emmett gets 45 minutes of therapy a week and it really is a positive thing.  It sucks that I have to pull him out of school early but the benefits far outweigh the price of admission.  I anticipate a really positive session with his amazing PT. 😀   


Both IEP meetings are done

Just finished up my IEP meeting for the day and I can safely say that my brain is fried. I'll explain what happened later on in the day but for now, everything went well.  There are a few things that need to be noted but I'll explain later.  I'm going walking to clear my cluttered head.