Whatever makes him smile

Things are looking good going into another four day weekend. Yup, that's right. Another four day weekend is upon us. Lizze isn't feeling well but it's because of the weather and fibromyalgia. Thank God we don't seem to have flu or anything like that going around. I don't mean to minimize what she's going through because she's absolutely miserable. I was just clarifing that it's nothing contagious. Fibromyalgia is a bitch and it's hard to wrap your brain around something that can't be seen or quantifed. I assure you, the pain is real, even if you can see it with your eyes. The boys and I are going to bathe the ferrets tonight and clean out their pen. Emmett's super excited because we have a new shampoo to use. Whatever…


It was a weird day but I finished an awesome project (Check out the pictures)

It was a weird day. The boys made it through the day at school and my Mom picked them up at the end of the day. She was going to take them both to dinner and then to hang out. On the way to her house, Elliott called and wanted to come home because Emmett was driving him crazy. He wanted a break and we of course, welcomed him home with open arms. Gavin arrived home a little while later after spending a day and a half at Lizze's parents. He had a great time but it was good to have him home. ☺ A little before dinner, I was inspired to finish a project that needed to be done. We had recently lost most of the fish in our…


Morning meltdowns are so exhausting

This morning was a bit on the rougher side of shitty. Emmett really struggled with his stomach and was extremely upset because he didn't feel good but he also didn't want to miss school. He struggled with this so much that he ended up melting down. We decided to have him stay home because he truly wasn't feeling well and maybe we could get him to school a bit later in the day. I took Elliott to school but stopped at Walgreens because he decided at the last minute that he wanted to bring Valentines to school. While I was there, Lizze called and said Emmett basically wanted to try going to school. We turned around and claimed Emmett before making our way to the school. It's important to understand…


How helping others helps me to cope with being an #Autism parent

This may sound like it would be counterproductive, but one of the best ways to cope with the stress of being an Autism parent is to use your experience to help others. That's sound crazy right? I know it does but let me explain. When I first began my Autism parenting journey almost seventeen years ago, the stress was unbearable. I was on edge all the time and barely slept. I didn't know what to do and felt like I was completely lost in the dark, trying to find my way. I began blogging under the title Lost and Tired. It was basically a digital journal that helped me to process things. I could write about what I experienced or how I felt and walk away from it feeling lighter.…


#Autism Isn’t Anyone’s Fault

I remember the moment each one of my kids was diagnosed with Autism. It's permanently seared into my brain because these moments are among the most pivotal in my life. One of the things I remember most was how much guilt I felt as our Autism journey began. I felt like I had sentenced my kids to a life of misery because them having Autism was somehow my fault. That guilt ate me alive for a long time. Truth be told, there are still moments where that guilt pops back up, even after all these years. I wanted to take a minute and talk to the Autism parents of the world, especially those just starting this crazy, wonderful, confusing and overwhelming ride. Speaking from personal experience, and extensive contact with…


I suppose it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world

It's been an interesting and even pleasant evening. Tuesday night therapy went well for everyone and while the boys were a handful at bedtime, everyone's sleeping. Lizze went to a late night movie with her Mom and I ended up falling asleep one the couch before 10 PM. I slept clean through until Lizze got home a bit after midnight. She had a great time with her Mom and I had a really quiet evening alone, which is actually nice to have every once in a while.. ☺ There's a better than average chance that we're looking at a snowday this morning. The school had already been talking about this when I was picking the kids up yesterday afternoon. I suppose a snowday wouldnt be the worst thing in the…


A super quick and important update

I'm keeping this short and sweet cause we're getting ready to head out the door again. Both the boys had good days at school. They came home in a good mood and are feeling good about going back tomorrow. ☺ If I could pick only one thing to go right today, this would have been it. I'm so relieved that everything went well.. ☺ Many of you will recognize the significance of surviving a significant change to your ASD kid's routine. It's even more amazing when they not only survive it but totally own it. I'm proud of my little minions.... ☺