A quick update about the school safety meeting

I wanted to just push out a quick update in regards to about how our meeting at the school went tonight. The meeting went well. Unfortunately, only five or six sets of parents showed up but whatever. We learned more about the safety steps they are implementing in order to keep our kids safe. We also talked about setting up a PTA type group. The principal and I will be working on some fundraising projects. There are a few other parents who are join us as well and that's really awesome. It was a positive meeting and I'm glad we made the time to go..


A significant increase in security at my kids school today

The boys did awesome this morning. They got ready for school and out the door with very little effort, at least compared to what it's been like recently. I took them to school and when I dropped them off, I noticed a major change at the door. Every child is scanned for metal objects prior to entering. This is totally new and I was sorta taken a back by this at first but then I was forced to remember the reasons behind this. I'm angry that something like this is necessary but I'm grateful that the proper precautions are being taken in order to help insure the safety and we'll being of our kids. So far, there have been several changes within the school to address possible safety concerns. I…


Childhood Disintegrative Disorder is stealing our son from us

This post was started on Friday and has taken me this long to finish. It's been a long weekend and I apologize for my absence. I was largely absent here today because I'm struggling a bit right now. I'm having a hard time coping with certain things at the moment, Gavin being one of those things. I'll be the first to admit how terrible that sounds. I can assure you, it feels worse for me to say that. Gavin is driving me crazy and it's taking a toll. As time moves forward and his overall condition worsens, it becomes harder and harder for him to think. He has a much more difficult time trying to think his way through even the most one dimensional situations. These are things like figuring…


How my son with #Autism blew me away tonight

We had a really nice evening. Truth be told, it was actually extremely stressful for me but that doesn't mean there weren't some awesome memories made. I'm just going to skip to the end of the day because that's where the true magic happened. I took Lizze and the boys out to dinner. We don't do that very often for a number of reasons but we went to IHOP for dinner because everyone loves it there. ☺ Everyone ordered what they wanted and had a great time. The truly amazing part comes into play with Mr. Emmett. Emmett is historically very difficult to feed. He so many sensory issues and it makes him incredibly sensitive to things like food. Anyway, it's a struggle on the best of days and a…


I’m so angry and I need to vent

I'm really frustrated tonight and much as I try to not succumb to the negative feelings, I'm unable to at this point. I put so much time, energy, heart and soul into this blog. While I'm able to help support my family through ads and sponsored posts, the main purpose has always been to help others. Writing is therapeutic for me and without it, I don't even know where I'd be. Unfortunately, it appears that someone from my family's past has resurfaced recently. I know that because we received a lovely message on Facebook, that I can't help but take as a threat. I was the main target but Lizze and I were both mentioned. The message arrived on Gavin's eighteenth birthday and if you have been around from the…

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If lawmakers won’t make the changes, it’s time to change the lawmakers #GunReformNow

I'm sitting in the car, waiting for the boys to come out the door after dismissal. I can't help but feel heartbroken for all the parents who can no longer do that because someone entered a school building and murdered their innocent child. I can't even image what these families are going through. I can't image what the survivors of these school shootings are trying to cope with. We have an epidemic of gun violence in this country and it's absolutely inexcusable. I don't stand against the 2nd amendment however, it was written for a different time period and in a different cultural climate. Countless things have changed since December 15, 1791 but our interpretation of the 2nd amendment hasn't. We need commonsense gun laws and we need them now.…


Feeling guilty because I’m frustrated with my Special Needs son

Today was full of ups and downs. If you know anything about being a special needs parent, you're likely aware that it's often a roller-coaster of emotions. Frankly, this is one of the reasons life is so hard because the ride never stops. Elliott and Emmett have been Elliott and Emmett all weekend. They're exhausting but we've managed thus far. When it comes to Gavin, that's a different story. He's really struggling and it's painfully apparent that life is not cutting him any slack. I'm going to be straight with you guys because the only way I can help is to be honest and transparent. With that being said, Gavin's driving me crazy. He's requiring more and more effort as time goes on. I know that sounds bad but let…


Praying I wake up to good news

We never got Gavin's lab results and I'm struggling with that tonight. His numbers have gone from dangerously low to sort of okay and back to dangerous in a matter of days. There's a chance it was lab error but which one was in error? Was it the sorta better results or the dangerously low results? This is the question I've been asking myself since last week. The only way to have a better idea of which is accurate is to add more data to the equation. If these results come back and his numbers are low, we know that it's likely correct. If they come back sorta okay, we know that will likely be correct. The more data points we can add, the better picture we have of what's…