Pictures from the best day we’ve had in a long time

Lizze and I had a terrific day today and that doesn't happen all that often. The boys spent the day with their Grandparents, leaving Lizze and I a day to ourselves. ☺ The highlight of our time to ourselves was taking a nice long walk at the park. We ended up going on a light hike and spending the afternoon outside, on a beautiful day taking pictures. We grabbed Subway for a late lunch and caught up on a few shows. Lizze got a nap and I played some Wolfenstein II before boys got home. They finally arrived home around dinner time and we had a nice quiet evening before putting them to bed for the night. We have everything for their lunches already figured out and I'm hoping for…


#Autism Parenting: Where breaks are not a luxury, they are a necessity

We are getting some breathing room today, at least for a little while anyway. Lizze's parents came and picked the boys up for the day because they're awesome. ☺ We're not getting as many breaks anymore because life happens and priorities have to shift accordingly. We totally get it and frankly, totally agree. At the same time however, I'd be lying if I said it didn't have a negative impact on us. The math is simple. Fewer breaks means more overall stress. This is why we never, ever take the breaks we get for granted. This is why we always appreciate what our family is able to do in regards to helping us get breaks. Most everything helps and we're beyond grateful for our supportive family. ☺ Life isn't easy…


The #truth about #Depression and how it’s currently kicking my ass

Depression fucking sucks. That pretty much sums it up. I could easily use some extra expletives but my Mom reads this and I'm trying to keep the language in check. lol I've been waring with major Depression since my early teens. Many battles have been fought over the years, some were won and other's not. Overall, I do okay managing my Depression and keeping its symptoms in check. Sometimes however, I don't do so well and this is one of those times. For whatever reason, I'm struggling right now. I have very little patience at this point. I'm completely overwhelmed by everything and everyone. It's me. I know it's totally me but at the same time, I feel like I've currently reached a place where I simply cannot cope any…


I love hearing my kids laugh

I've got a few movie passes burning a hole in my pocket and the boys really, really want to see Daddy's Home 2. Lizze isn't feeling well today but is happy to go along with us cause she'll have a nap before at that will help her feel a bit better. The boys are finishing up watching the first Daddy's Home as I'm writing this. They have been seeing the previews for awhile now and crack up each time they see it. I love hearing them laugh because it's pure joy and it means that everyone is in a good place. There's many times we are struggling as a family but moments filled with laughter are some of my most precious memories.. ☺ I'm really excited to go and even…


@VivintGivesBack can help keep your child with #Autism safe

Wandering has reached epidemic proportions within the Autism community, as more than 50% of kids with Autism will wander away from a place of safety. Unfortunately, many of these episodes of elopement will not end well. It's a heartbreaking and terrifying thing for Autism parents to have to worry about but many do. I'm writing this to remind everyone that I'm working with Vivint Gives Back, to help secure your home and keep you child safe. As a father to 3 boys on the Autism Spectrum, I know first-hand the challenges that many families like mine face, every single day and night. I have also experienced first hand how Vivint Gives Back works with families like mine. When I was first approached about this project, I was very skeptical because…


Holy Shit! Gavin hit a MAJOR milestone tonight

Every once in awhile, the kids do something that completely blows me away. They always impress me but sometimes, what they do is a real game changer. Tonight, was one of those night for Gavin. For the last five years or so, Gavin has been receiving IVIG Infusions in order to treat his Common Variable Immunodeficiency. In all the hundreds of infusions, Gavin has always hated the needles and who can blame him. He's never liked them but at the same time, he's never complained. ☺ Over the years, he's slowly taken more and more responsibility for his infusions. He's gotten to the point where the only thing he wasn't able to do was put the needles in his belly. He has been to uncomfortable doing that and that was…


Sleeping on the couch

The boys had a rough night, especially Emmett. They all went to bed but Emmett woke up not feeling well. He had a really sore throat and I ended up on the couch in the living room with this poor little guy. He did fall asleep and stayed asleep for the rest of the evening. I feel like I slept pretty well but I'm still tired from yesterday. So far, everyone's doing okay this morning and I'm hoping to keep things moving in that direction... ☺


Thanksgiving 2017: The Good – The Bad – The Meltdowns

All things considered, we had a fantastic Thanksgiving this year. It was very low key and the food was amazing. I stuck with one plate because I'm trying to make better decisions, but it wasn't easy. My parents did an amazing job with everything and we are so thankful for all their efforts. I had assumed that because it was going to be so low key, the boys would do better. I was soon reminded of the old phrase, you know what they say about people who assume. The boys lasted about two hours before they began bouncing off the walls. My family is very patient with the kids but Lizze and I were very quickly getting overwhelmed by how hyper they were. Emmett had a meltdown because his piece…

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