What it requires to BE a Special Needs Parent and what it requires to HELP one

In my family, we don't experience too many situations that fall into the normal category. With special needs kids, normal is something that we have almost no comprehension of. Normal is a subjective term anyway and it's going to be different for everyone. It's because of the above reasons, so many special needs families struggle. It's hard to find help for situations where unless you've lived it yourself, you can't possible truly comprehend. This is where the whole walk a mile in my shoes, cliché as fuck phrase, applies incredibly well. I run into that quite frequently in my life. There's a surprising amount of well intentioned people in the world (which is a good thing) who want to help but don't seem to grasp that the obvious solution doesn't…


The number one source of stress in my life right now

I'm so incredibly frustrated today because for the millionth time, the pharmacy hasn't delivered or even filled Gavin's Clozapine prescription. I don't understand why this is so fucking complicated. Out of all the medications a pharmacy can fill, Clozapine is the most tightly controlled by a mile. One would think that they would have a procedure for filling it. My job is to make sure that Gavin's blood work is done once every seven days. The labs job is to fax the results to the pharmacy. The pharmacy must then fax the results to REMS. REMS will grant the pharmacy permission to release seven days worth of pills. This process repeats every single week and as long as everyone does their fucking job, we can continue to give Gavin his…


Why I was so worried about Emmett yesterday

I was worried about how Emmett's day at school was going to go because the kid that stabbed him last week was returning from suspension. Lizze and I spoke with the school to ensure that procautions were taken in order to make sure Emmett would be safe. When I picked Emmett up at the end of the day, he said that this kid was back to his old self. Emmett said he was back to being my same old friend. The school is going to be keeping a close eye on the situation for the near future but at this point in time, it looks like things have been resolved. Emmett's happy to see his friend doing better and that's a good thing. Hopefully, this will not be something we…


I finally have some really awesome news to share

I want to take a second and share some good news. Facebook has verified my account and I now have the much sought after blue check mark next to my profile picture where ever it appears throughout Facebook. I'm now verified on both Facebook and Twitter. It's so cool and I'm really excited because it increases credibility on social media. I don't know that this will have any impact on my Facebook stalkers ability to continually try to get me banned from the social media platform but we'll see what happens. Either way, I'm excited and it feels nice to reach this milestone in my growing social media presence. ☺ I'm so grateful for all the support from my readers and followers because you keep reading what I write. ☺…


I don’t think we overreacted but how would you handle your child being stabbed multiple times with a pencil at school?

Lizze and I had a long discussion last night about how to handle the kid that stabbed Emmett because he was returning to school today. We were nervous because we didn't know what was going on or how to ensure Emmett's safety. We decided that there was at least one main thing we would insist upon for a period of time. Assuming that everything else is in check with this kid and he's allowed to return to school, we want him and Emmett separated until we know this kid is no longer a risk. I read a couple comments suggesting that boys will be boys but in my world, it's not okay that Emmett was stabbed four time with a sharpened pencil. It was bad enough to puncture the skin…


The kid who stabbed Emmett with a pencil is returning to school today and I’m not sure what to think

Emmett will be returning to school in the morning because it's Monday. Normally I wouldn't be worried but this will be the first day that Emmett will be back in school with the kid who stabbed him. I feel that it would be irresponsible of me as a parent, to simply let him walk into the building without talking to the school first. I need to find out what's being done to ensure this kid isn't going to hurt Emmett or anyone else for that matter. I've mentioned before that this kid isn't evil, and he isn't. Something was going on with him however, that led to him stabbing Emmett several times with a sharpened pencil. Emmett's hand is healing pretty well, as you can see in the above image.…


#Autism Parenting Brain: You will NOT believe where I found my missing car keys

Elliott wanted to visit the food court at the mall for his birthday dinner. We tried to upgrade his plans but this is what he wanted and it's his birthday. ☺ After we ate, he wanted to walk around the mall for awhile. We all walked around until Gavin wasn't able to go further because his legs hurt. On the way out to the car, I realized that I didn't have the car keys. In a panic, we searched everywhere we'd been and couldn't find them. I was really getting nervous because we only have one key to the car and we'd be in a world of hurt if we could find it, or worse, we locked them in the car. As I'm making my way out to the car,…

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We pulled our old fish tank out of retirement (Lots of Pictures)

We've discovered that the boys really enjoy fish. I've had fish tanks throughout my life but we stopped after Emmett was born. There wasn't really a reason for it, we just hit a point where everything had died and we didn't replace them. The last fish we had was one of those goldfish you win by tossing a ping pong ball into tiny fish bowls at the fair. Gavin one that fish when he was teeny tiny and it lived for years. It grew from half an inch to something like seven inches in length by the time it died. That fish out lived everything else in the tank and when it died, we packed it all away. Since I've recently reviewed the EcoQube C, the kids have become entranced…

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