Emmett and I met with the principal this week

Emmett and I met with the principal on Wednesday to begin planning for the rest of the school year and beyond. There's no interest in a PTA, so Lizze and myself will be working directly with the school. Hopefully, others will join at some point but no one showed up on Wednesday. What's really cool is that Emmett and Elliott are involved in this. It helps the have a sense of ownership in the school and learn some behind the scenes stuff. As I mentioned, it was just myself, Emmett and the principal on Wednesday. Lizze was home with Gavin and Elliott because Elliott had come home from school not feeling well. Otherwise, they would have been there as well. One of the things we're working on right now is…

Read more about the article We have become quite fascinated by our fish tank
We have become quite fascinated by our fish tank As a family, we have become enamored with the fish and little creatures in our fresh-water tank. We almost spend more time staring into this glass cube of water, than we do watching TV. Anyway, the boys love watching the fish, shrimp, snails and crayfish do their thing. It's absolutely relaxing and is quite easy to manage. Lizze and I find ourselves sitting on the couch at night, watching all the activities going in this aquatic environment. If you don't have an aquarium, I highly recommend it. Instant stress relief..

We have become quite fascinated by our fish tank

We have become quite fascinated by our fish tank As a family, we have become enamored with the fish and little creatures in our fresh-water tank. We almost spend more time staring into this glass cube of water, than we do watching TV. Anyway, the boys love watching the fish, shrimp, snails and crayfish do their thing. It's absolutely relaxing and is quite easy to manage. Lizze and I find ourselves sitting on the couch at night, watching all the activities going in this aquatic environment. If you don't have an aquarium, I highly recommend it, especially if you have a kid with Autism or anxiety. Visit Aquariadise.com for an informative guide to choosing your first pet fish. Instant stress relief..


So Proud

I want to take a second and share how proud of Elliott I am right now. I'm always proud of my kids but sometimes they even surprise me and I find myself even more deeply impressed. Today is one such day.. ☺ On the way home from school today, Elliott was upset because he was given homework over the weekend. The whole class was given homework, not just Elliott, but he's still upset. Anyway, without having to be asked, bribed, chased after, fought or otherwise forced, he came home, and began his homework. I'm not sure I've ever seen this from him. I'm absolutely impressed and frankly, quite relieved. I was dreading the homework battle this weekend and now I don't have to worry about it.. ☺ Elliott, I'm super…

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It was a disastrous morning for Gavin

It's been a really rough morning. I've been fighting off a stomach bug for most of the week and it's not been pleasant. I've actually not been eating much, so might be a great time to weigh myself.. Lol Anyway, Gavin did not have a good morning. His IVIG Infusion pushed him over the edge, down the street and around the corner. He was completely freaking out and there was very little consoling him. He setup his own infusion again and did a great job. He picked new locations to stick the needles but unfortunately, both infusion sites leaked and required re-sticking, which he's not a fan of, like at all. It sucks having to do this once but twice is double the amount of pain and anxiety for him.…

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I’ve spent the morning murdering tags

It's been awhile since I've had to do this but this morning, Emmett began freaking out about the tag in his winter coat. For some reason, after all this time, he's taken notice of it. After the coat, I was then tasked with removing a tiny tag from the bottom of the shirt he was wearing. This tag never made contact with his skin because of where it was placed but I murdered nonetheless. Emmett was in a weird place this morning and that could be why he was so sensitive to the tags that have never been a problem before. We know he's really sensitive to tags in general so we always buy tagless shirts because they seem to be less problematic. Depending on his current mood, he can…


Getting ready for our appointment with @VivintHome

Tomorrow, we'll be seeing the return of Vivint to our home. We're having a new camera added to the back of our house and a new alarm panel installed. When they're done with that, they're going to do a once over and make sure everything is up to snuff. In order to get ready for this appointment, we need to make sure that the Vivint tech has clean access to all of the Vivint devices in our home. The boys and I are going to spend the evening straightening up the house to make sure we're ready for them to come. This is actually the best way to get our house caught up.. Lol On a side note, please remember that you can take advantage of the Vivint Gives Back…


Note to Self….

For about the last twelve hours or so, I've been absolutely miserable, curled up in bed and trying not to puke. I made the mistake of eating some spicy DIGIORNO pizza for dinner. I'm actually getting nauseated just thinking about it again. We'll just say that it didn't agree with me at all. I woke up about 4 AM feeling like my insides were in fire. It sucked and while I'm better now, Lizze had to step up and take over for me today. That's not always easy for her to do, not because she doesn't want to but because of her own health problems. Anyway, all is right with the world again and I'm never going to eat that again. I've removed the extra from the house and while…


Trying to figure out what’s wrong when my son can’t tell us

I never got around to talking about Emmett not going to school yesterday. He was a dealing with a tummy ache on Monday and barely made it through the day. His teachers never called to tell us he wasn't feeling well, even though he needed a trash can next to his chair while he sat with his head down. When it came to going back the next morning, he was still dealing with a tummy ache. We ended up keeping him home because we were with my parents the day before and now my Mom is down with the flu. He may have been legit getting sick. The other thing was that he ate his first burrito ever on Monday night. There was a school fundraiser through Chipotle, where half…