It’s likely nothing to worry about but there are two much more serious possibilities that he’s genetically tied to

I still haven't heard from the doctor as to what time Emmett's supposed to be seen in the morning. I'm supposed to call back if I don't hear from them before 9 AM. This should be a simple appointment and likely resulting in a referral to Gastroenterology at Akron Children's Hospital. The most important thing at this moment is ensuring that there are no life threats or serious issues that need to be addressed. I don't think there are but we want to error on the side of caution because what parent wouldn't. Once we get to that point, we will likely get an appointment with Gastroenterology at Akron Children's Hospital. There are a couple things that we are going to need to rule out, and they are more serious…


I don’t know what to do anymore

This post was meant to publish last night but I ended up falling asleep. At this point I'm unsure of what we will be doing with Emmett today. I'm hoping to get him into the doctors if he's still not feeling well when he wakes up. The poor kid was up until almost 1 AM. What I do know for sure, is that our morning is busy already. Gavin will need his IVIG infusion first thing in the morning. He will also need his bloodwork done immediately after dropping the boys off at school. I'm really, really hoping that Emmett is feeling better and that he makes it to school. He's been keeping up with his makeup work and that's helps to keep him current. Regardless of how he's feeling…


Thank you @dominos for treating us to lunch

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have read my rant about the truly awful experience Emmett and I had while at our local domino's Pizza last week. I was so frustrated and angry that I was live tweeting my experience, so I could keep my cool. Anyway, it wouldn't have upset me as much if it hadn't impacted Emmett so profoundly. He was very upset and felt we had been wronged, and we had been. Later on that day, domino's (corporate whatever department they're from) reached out and wanted to make it right. I explained to them what happened and they were extremely apologetic. Emmett and I accepted their apology and were prepared to move on from there. Domino's Pizza took it a step further and basically treated…


Have I mentioned how much I literally hate homework? Can anyone relate to this story?

Emmett missed most of last week because he wasn't feeling well. I had work sent home for him to work on so he wasn't so overwhelmed when he hopefully returns on Monday. Emmett is crazy smart and way ahead of everyone else in his class, so homework is something that should come relatively easy for him. Sometimes it is and other times it's a fricking nightmare. One of the things that Autism has contributed to this mess, is a very literal interpretation of everything. Emmett interprets things in a very literal, incredibly ridged way. There's almost no way to help him work through anything, when he's literally interpretating things. An example that we are struggling with this morning is this. The instructions for a math problem he's stuck on went…

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I surprised the kids today

The boys have had a rough week and I wanted to do something nice with them. Lizze wasn't feeling well, so she stayed behind to get some rest. The boys and I ran a few errands before I decided to surprise them with Cici's Pizza for dinner. Cici's Pizza is pretty affordable, especially on limited funds. I just thought that they were a huge help today and really helped after I went grocery shopping. They brought in the groceries and helped me put them away. We ended up at Cici's Pizza and the boys loved it. We had a full Cici's punch card so it was insanely cheap. While we all missed Lizze, she needed her rest. The boys did well while we were their and I'm really prod of…


I think this might be good news

My amazing wife let me sleep in this morning because sleep has been so elusive as of late. To the best my knowledge, I didn't have crazy nightmares last night and I actually slept. It feels like forever since this has happened. I'm not feeling as bad as I have recently. I'm not as anxious, emotional and nauseous as I've been for the previous seven days. I actually feel mostly okay. Unfortunately, I can't really avoid stressful situations but I'm sometimes coping with them a little better. That's a big step forward and something I feel good about. I suspect that as more times passes between my last dose of Paxil, the better I continue to get. Nothing about this is overnight and it will take some time. I guess…


A MASSIVE and IMPORTANT Update for the last couple of days

Hey folks. It's been a couple days since I've written anything other than an update on my tumultuous relationship with Paxil and there's a good reason for that. That good reason is, I'm fucking miserable. I'm anxious, stressed, emotional, not sleeping, nauseated and freaking out. None of this is really new information because it's the same side effects I've been struggling with since I took my last dose of Paxil, exactly one week ago today. Rather than focus on my current disparity, I want to catch everyone up on some of the things I've been meaning to write about but haven't, because of the stuff in the previous two paragraphs. School Related It was a shorter school week because of teacher in-service and end of the quarter stuff. The kids…


This is what withdrawing from #Paxil is doing to me

I wanted to touch base and let you guys know where I've been. Since last Thursday, I've been really, really struggling both physically and emotionally. I was doing pretty good, or so I thought. For most of the last 90 days or so, I was going okay. I would feel changes each time my dose was reduced but for the most part, I adjusted well. When I took my final dose last Thursday, I thought I was going to be free. Instead, I find myself struggling more than I ever have before. To be clear, I'm not struggling with Depression, the Fisher Wallace Stimulator I'm using is helping out a great deal on that end. The problem I'm having now is how my body is reacting to no longer having…