#Autism Parenting: Fighting holiday fallout with family time

The days after a holiday can be tough for Autism family.  My family is not an exception to that rule.  In fact, I feel as though we are the poster child for after holiday fallout. Anyway, all of the boys were having a day filled with post-Easter fallout and while I was personally doing much better today, I couldn't allow things to pull me back under the weight of the previous days stress. The boys really enjoyed the hike from Saturday and it was something they wanted to do again. I called my Mom to see if she'd like to join us and before I knew it, we were on our way to the park and beginning yet another hike. Unfortunately, the weather was far less pleasant this time around…


Pictures from Easter 2016

I just wanted to leave a real quick note and then share some pictures from Easter.   What began as a really rough morning for me, turned into a pretty decent day overall. The boys did great at Easter dinner and honestly, I don't think I could have asked for better behavior. I pretty much kept to myself a bit because I needed some space to sorta deal with the holiday and the emotional difficulties it presents for me.. I did okay though and we spent most of the afternoon there. It's not like I was a total recluse or anything.  I mean, I did visit and hang out with everyone.  Like I said, I just needed time to work through some things, while the kids were otherwise occupied. It…


Family Time: I took the boys on an awesome hike today (pt2 with pictures)

In this 2nd half of my post, I'll share some of the interesting and scary a things that took place during the second half of our hike. To see the original post, click here. This hike took us down part of the red track, along the train tracks, across 3 bridges, along side the Pro Football Hall of Fame and through a heavily wooded area where most of our hiking took place. We ended up stopping a couple of times for short breaks but these guys did the entire hike without any help. During our time in the woods, we had a really close encounter with 2 deer.  They walked right by us and let us get a really close look at them.  We were able to watch them for…


Family Time: I took the boys on an awesome hike today (pt1 with pictures)

Click here for part 2 Being an Autism parent isn't easy.  I'm pretty sure I've covered that many times already but in case you missed all those posts, Autism parenting isn't easy.  Great, now we're all on the same page, we can move forward.  ☺ I've learned over the years that while I can't control what my kids like and don't like, I can have a smidgen of influence, if I frame everything in a certain way.  In other words, it's all about the presentation. It's been tough to get the boys motivated to walk the track.  Gavin does awesome but Elliott and Emmett haven't really wanted anything to do with it for awhile now. One lap around the track is 1.51 miles. Trying to get them to make it…