WTF?? My son with #Autism began refusing to go to school at 4am
This is getting really old and heartbreaking at the same time. This is what Emmett did to try to get out of going to school today... 😕
This is getting really old and heartbreaking at the same time. This is what Emmett did to try to get out of going to school today... 😕
There were many things that could have brought me down today. Check out how today went and why I remained positive....
We are struggling with #Autism related school anxiety and I can't figure this out... 😯
It's not every day that I can say this but I'm having a kick ass day. . ☺ Find out why.
IVIG is a life saving drug that can replace someone's own immune system. It's a very uncomfortable process and sometimes it's downright painful. Check out how Gavin's went today. .
Do any of your kids struggle with going to school? Do you think they struggle being away from you? Here's what's going on in my house...
As many of you know, getting our spectrum kids into the therapies they need can prove very challenging. Gavin's been on the therapy wait list for a very long time and guess what he's finally going to be receiving.... Gotta read to find out. ☺
Please give this a read. It's pretty personal and you'll understand why when you read it.