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I feel grateful for all I have

The kids went to school without any problems. That's always a good thing. I'm not a huge fan of having to make multiple trips but it is what it is. I had to drop Emmett off a bit early because Gavin had a follow-up with neurology at the Cleveland Clinic. Thankfully, this was a telehealth appointment, so I didn't have to drive. This was an appointment to discuss slowly getting Gavin off of his autonomic medications. There's a good chance he's outgrown some, if not all of these autonomic related problems. ENHAN We have to be very careful and make these changes slowly, over time. It's going to be a work in progress but he's got this. The fewer meds the better. After his appointment I hit the gym. It's…


It’s noon and everyone is still sleeping

I feel like I slept okay last night. Today is going to be a busy day. Everyone in my house is still sleeping and it's just before noon. I'm pretty sure that between working outside yesterday and the fatigue following the second COVID shot, they're exhausted. I didn't really sleep in today but I wasn't up super early either. Gavin was doing is IVIG Infusion when I took this yesterday. The dogs spent some time outside and I cut the grass already. There's not a lot of shade where I will be working this afternoon and it's already hot and humid. I'm excited to get the work done but not super excited to do it in this heat. Anyway, back to work and we'll see what we can get accomplished…


We made some major progress today

It's been a really long day and I'm going to bed super early. We worked on the outside of the house all day today. My parents came over to help and we accomplished so much. I was telling someone tonight that I feel like I really dropped the ball over the last couple of years with the house and I'm not proud of that. I had a lot going on and I did the best I could in the moment. That said, it feels so good to make progress and move forward. I have most of the house power washed and because of the rain, we haven't been able to paint. We took on the landscaping today instead and made some major headway. For the most part, the kids did…


Well that was fun (insert sarcasm here)

It's been a really trying day, from a parenting standpoint anyway. I suppose that spills over into everything else as well. If you're a parent in general, you've probably had those days where it's one thing after another and there is this little voice in the back of your head suggesting you run away and join the circus. LOL It's been one of those days. I'll just focus on the two most recent things and I'm going to try and keep it short cause I'm pretty tired. Elliott has an opportunity to go somewhere with a group of friends in the near future. He really, really, really wants to go and I'd love to just say go for it but we're still in the middle of a pandemic. This will…

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Keep moving forward

Just a quick update to share with the class. Actually, a couple of updates to be more specific. But who's counting right? For starters, I just wanted to point out that if you read any posts on this site that strike you as odd, off topic, or just a little weird, you're probably not wrong. Part of monetizing this site means sponsored content. I'm not super picky about said content as long as it's family friendly. Just so we're on the same page I haven't lost my mind and neither have you. These things can be a little annoying, even for me but they pay the bills and keep the server online. So that's that. Okay, I also wanted to let you know that my recording equipment has returned and…

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It’s been a little while, we should catch up

It's been a really great week. I've been doing really well and while there have been some hiccups, the good far outweighs the bad. The biggest issue I've had to deal with was my Rodecaster Pro failing after a really important interview. It's getting replaced but it's causing delays. I had to reschedule a big interview with the Cleveland Clinic. It was supposed to release as we enter into autism awareness month but it's now going to be delayed by at least a week. I've also made another decision and it was a difficult one to make, but I think it's for the best. I'm spread kinda thin and I don't think that's any big secret. Between the blog and the podcast, it can get overwhelming at times. I'm making…


I’m pretty excited about the coming weeks

The kids have been driving me crazy all day but that's their job, right? Kids are supposed to drive their parents nuts just like we drove our parents nuts. They were laying it on pretty thick today though and I'm not sure how fair that is.. Lol We actually had a pretty decent day. I got some work done, which is always good. I'm already 75% done with this Friday's episode and I even have the sponsor ad done as well. All this on a fricking Monday no less. Couple of cool things coming up. Dr. Webby, from St Jude and the WHO will be on the pod to talk about the current status of COVID. We're gonna talk the importance of the vaccines, as well as dispel some of…