Another rough night sleeping :( This is one of the latest pictures I've taken and posted via Instagram. :-) This is one of the latest pictures I've taken and posted via Instagram. :-)
When to much excitement happens in the life of a child on the #Autism Spectrum, this is what can happen. Read More
This was a more painful infusion because it's more fluid being pumped into his skin but Gavin did really well.
Here's another of my latest pictures featured on Instagram :)
Check out how today went. Plus you can watch the videos from the boys Christmas program.. Click below....
It's almost time for the kids Christmas program to begin. Here's how Elliott's doing...
We had a slightly rough start to the morning. Right before leaving for school, Elliott started not feeling well.
Today has been one of the most exhausting days in a long time. On the other side of the coin, it was also very productive.