Read more about the article I’m wondering what it looks like he wrote to you
I'm wondering what it looks like he wrote to you Emmett was drawing a picture the other day and when I saw it and the caption, I sorta freaked out inside because I was caught off guard.... What do you see the first time you read it and I bet you'll never guess what he meant to write.... lol

I’m wondering what it looks like he wrote to you

I'm wondering what it looks like he wrote to you Emmett was drawing a picture the other day and when I saw it and the caption, I sorta freaked out inside because I was caught off guard.... What do you see the first time you read it and I bet you'll never guess what he meant to write.... lol Check Out My Instagram Feed

Read more about the article They Say That a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
They Say That a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Elliott was so nervous about getting his flu shot this past weekend. Anxiety is something that he struggles with and medical appointments in particular, are worrisome for him. All that said, he did so amazingly well and I couldn't possibly be any more proud of him.

They Say That a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

They Say That a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Elliott was so nervous about getting his flu shot this past weekend. Anxiety is something that he struggles with and medical appointments in particular, are worrisome for him. All that said, he did so amazingly well and I couldn't possibly be any more proud of him. Check Out My Instagram Feed

Read more about the article Photo of the Day: Someone was intrigued by the camera
Photo of the Day: Someone was intrigued by the camera Lemme was very curious about the camera this evening. I don't know if it was because it was shiny or she saw her reflection in the lens. She kept trying to lick it.. Lol The boys were playing with Lemme and her sister Tiny while I had fun trimming their nails (sarcasm) and watching the kids interact with them.. Lemme and Tiny just love to play with the boys. They got really excited and like to chase the boys and jump around.. It's pretty entertaining to watch...

Photo of the Day: Someone was intrigued by the camera

Photo of the Day: Someone was intrigued by the camera Lemme was very curious about the camera this evening. I don't know if it was because it was shiny or she saw her reflection in the lens. She kept trying to lick it.. Lol The boys were playing with Lemme and her sister Tiny while I had fun trimming their nails (sarcasm) and watching the kids interact with them.. Lemme and Tiny just love to play with the boys. They got really excited and like to chase the boys and jump around.. It's pretty entertaining to watch... Check Out My Instagram Feed

Read more about the article Going to bed early so this guy can feel safe
Going to bed early so this guy can feel safe Emmett was having a really hard time sleeping tonight and asked if I would go to bed early so he could just snuggle me now... Like I could say no to that..

Going to bed early so this guy can feel safe

Going to bed early so this guy can feel safe Emmett was having a really hard time sleeping tonight and asked if I would go to bed early so he could just snuggle me now... Like I could say no to that.. Have I mentioned before that I'm a closet photographer? Well I am. Here is one of my latest pictures. Please follow my account on Instagram by clicking here and you can check out all my photos from that last few years. :-) Check Out My Instagram Feed