Elliott kicked butt on his homework last night
Check out how well Elliott did on his homework and what happened upon his return to school today.... Read More
Check out how well Elliott did on his homework and what happened upon his return to school today.... Read More
How often do you think how about hard it is being a parent? Making sure your kids do well at school, stay safe and happy. But while you’ll probably always find things to worry about when looking out for your children’s health, there are many little ways in which you can look after your little ones that matter just as much
Here's a major update and follow up to Tuesday's IEP meeting. This explains what we figured out and how we will proceed going forward. I also share my thought process behind my decisions..
I wanted to share my take away from this meeting. In the next post, I'll share what we're going to be doing to address these issues and why we're taking this particular approach.
This totally made my day and it's one less thing I have to worry about. Apparently, that's my reward for not giving up. ☺😊
".......The only thing that could throw a wrench into things is if Elliott or Emmett come home sick and that's a distinct possibility......" Read More
When parents divorce and one is less involved than the other, it's tough to find a parenting balance. If that balance gets disrupted, it can have a ripple effect. This is one of the reasons I'm nervous about this meeting at the school. Read More
".......... Here's a news flash, you can't treat all kids with Autism the same because they all have different needs, weaknesses and strengths. That's Autism 101......" Read More