I just interviewed with Gavin’s speech therapist at @akronchildrens
I met with Gavin's evaluating speech therapist and she's pretty fricking awesome
I met with Gavin's evaluating speech therapist and she's pretty fricking awesome
Of all the days this could happen, I'm so grateful it was today
Emmett had a really, really hard time sleeping last night and has been up since 4am-ish. Since it's been time to get ready for school, he's been freaking out over everything and I have no idea what's going on with him. He's refusing to go to school on a day where I literally don't have the time to deal with this. Gavin's got to be at Akron Children's Hospital shortly after the boys arrive at school. I'm writing this from timeout because I needed to remove myself for a few minutes.. Time for me to get back to my life...
I truly want to go into today with a positive attitude because while today is a very painful reminder of what myself and the boys have lost, it's also a milestone to be celebrated. For the last 365 days, I've been a single Father to 3 amazing boys with numerous special needs. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be able to do this on my own but guess what, I did. I've learned so much about myself, my limitations and my ability to preserver. Our lives are far from perfect but I'm giving my boys everything I possibly can and despite my shortcoming, I'm damn proud that we've made it this far. I'm an awesome Dad and the reason I know that is because I…
Today is a really big day for me. My main goal for today is to simply make it through...
I swear this fricking homework is gonna give me a stroke.
I wanted to share this picture that Gavin did yesterday. He did this freehand and didn't trace anything. What makes his art so amazing is that he has major tremors in his hands and drawing a straight line isn't the easiest thing. He never gives up on something he's trying to draw...
I'm really trying to keep my days positive and moving forward. Here's what I did today