Today’s Victory: Spending Time Together

It's been a rough day, but that's nothing new. On days like today, it's not always easy to focus on the positive. Having said that, I'm really pushing myself to do this on a daily basis because it's important. There a quite a few things that caused a shit-ton of stress and anxiety, but there's always something that can be viewed as a victory. Sometimes I need to look harder than others but there's always something. Today's victory is going to go to Mr. Gavin. He's really struggling with life right now, and so I feel it's very important not to overlook the positives when they come around. This particular victory might not seem like much on the surface but if you're an Autism parent, I suspect you'll understand. I've…


Sometimes we just need to vent

Lizze and I had some tense moments after the kids left. I think that we are both so overwhelmed by everything going on around us, and hiding that stress from the kids takes a toll. When they leave, we end up purging. Lizze and I don't fight per se, but we both vent about everything we've had penned up inside. Once the kids leave, we can more freely talk about the things that need to be talked about. There's nowhere in this house that allows Lizze and I to have a private conversation, without everyone else overhearing. Our house is pretty small and even talking in a very low voice, is loud enough to carry up the stairs to the second floor. There are many things that we need to…


I think we’re getting a break today

I actually got a solid eight hours of sleep last night and I feel pretty good this morning. The boys are going to hang out with their grandparents and probably even go swimming at some point this afternoon. This insane heatwave is still bearing down on us, so it's nice that they can get out of the house and go swimming. I have absolutely no plans for today. Lizze seems to be doing pretty good this morning so maybe we can do something while the kids are gone. As usual, money is tight and with it being so hot outside, our options are limited. Still, it would be nice to get out for a little while and do something fun.

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Today’s Victory: Being patient when things didn’t go his way at @GameStop

It's been a long day here at The Autism Dad house. I'm feeling all kinds of stressed out for various reasons but there is something that I want to celebrate tonight before I call it a day. As you might recall, Emmett turned 11 years old on June 26th, and you may also recall that he couldn't decide what he wanted for his birthday. We've been trying for over a month to figure out his birthday present, but he wasn't ready to make a decision. That all changed today. Emmett decided that he wanted his own Xbox One controller, so he could use it with his phone. We all play Minecraft together. I play on the Xbox, and the boys join from their phones. Using a controller with their phones…

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It’s called irrational guilt for a reason

I'm feeling quite overwhelmed, frustrated, and guilty today. I'm really trying to remain positive, but I need to replace our car in the worst way. We have four or five trips to the Cleveland Clinic before the end of the month alone, and I'm not wanting to keep pushing the car to go on these trips. We're having lots of electrical issues on top of all the mechanical and physical problems already present. It's frustrating because I try so hard to make everything work and while things could be much worse than they currently are, I can't seem to get us to a better place. I'm really trying to focus on writing, building partnerships and inking new as deals, so I can provide for my family in a more meaningful…


Today’s Victory: Packed in the car like sardines

I'm my very first Today's Victory post in a while; I want to celebrate my kids. My life is indeed difficult, and my kids are challenging to say the least. At the same time, they're amazing, brilliant, kind, compassionate, loving, and they never cease to amaze me. We had a roller coaster kinda day today. Lizze had an unexpected visit to the dentist because she thought she broke a tooth. Fortunately, it was just a broken filling, and it's all fixed. That in and of itself is something to be grateful for. 😊 Having said that, I'm choosing to celebrate how well the kids did in the car, while we waited for Lizze to be seen by the dentist. None of the kids had planned on having to go anywhere…


Remembering to focus on the positive

I used to do something called Today's Victory. It's basically where I close the day off by focusing on something positive from our day. Over the years, I sorta forgot about it, and much of that was due to my ongoing war with depression. It was harder for me to find the positive. Self-care isn't just about taking care of your physical health but also taking care of your emotional health as well. One of the reasons I pushed so hard to focus on the positive is because when I did that, I was better able to combat the overwhelming sense of despair I was feeling. Being an Autism Dad is not easy. It's not. Despair has a way of creeping up and taking root without really making its presence…


His #IVIG infusion was a disaster this morning and here’s why

Gavin's been having a difficult morning so far. It was IVIG infusion day again (as it is every Monday and Friday), and it did not go well. Lately, Gavin likes Lizze to place the needles in his belly because they don't often leak when she does it. Lizze and I are both concerned that Gavin isn't doing his own infusions anymore. It's imperative that he be able to perform these infusions on his own. Anyway, Lizze was going to help him as soon as she was done eating, but he either misunderstood or wasn't listening cause he went off and did it himself. Unfortunately, both needle placements failed and were leaking. That always pisses him off, and it's understandable. This means he has to be re-stuck, and that means more…