My kids are learning to cook

Okay. I'm really trying to get back into writing more about our daily lives. There's a ton of things I don't talk about because I just lack the energy to put those experiences into words. I'm seeking to change that and as season 3 of the podcast comes to a close, I have more time to write. The podcast is so time consuming but I'm finishing up episode 40 for release today or tomorrow and I'm done for the year. With that said, here's some cool shit I want to share with you folks. ☺ It's no secret that the pandemic has been a nightmare for all of us this year. We now have a vaccine but it won't be widely available for many months. That's still a hugely positive…

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I’m so unbelievably grateful and here’s why

Huge thanks to CKP Heating & Cooling, LLC for working with me today. Our furnace went down and we've been on lockdown for 281 days because my son is #immunocompromised and #COVID is deadly serious. Jake came out, wore a mask the entire time and talked to me via phone so we didn't have to have direct contact. He never came up to the first floor at first. An issue arose after he left and I called him for help. He stopped by on his way home. This time he had to access our Nest thermostat, which was on the first floor. I left the door unlocked for him. He came in, found the issue in the furnace itself and fixed it. He again wore a mask the entire time.…

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It was a really nice surprise

The boys got off to a mixed start today. Elliott fell back asleep while I was working with Emmett and missed the first 10 minutes of class. That's a bit frustrating for me but he's back on track and that's what I'm going to focus on right now. While Emmett was in between classes, he used his down time to surprise me with a cup of hot chocolate. I was working and he thought he would do something nice for me. It was a sweet gesture and I'm still smiling from it. ☺


I want to talk to you about my #depression

It has occurred to me that I haven't talked about my depression much lately. I talk about to people who reach out offline quite a bit and I sometimes forget to do that here as well. One of the reasons this occurred to me is because I noticed today that I'm struggling a little more than I have been in regards to managing my depression. I think everyone deals with life differently and depression hits people in different ways as well. We're all different and that's okay. For me personally, I know depression is once again gaining a foothold in my life when I begin worrying about dying. It's not easy for me to admit that because there's only a few people in my life that are aware of this…


The furnace, Chromebook and podcast studio all broke down and it’s only Tuesday

What's up folks. Hope you're this finds you doing well. It's been a day of challenges here. I wanted to run over just few of them and help provide some context to what's going on in The Autism Dad household. I also want to balance things out with some really positive things happening as well. It's been one of those weeks where nothing seems to go right and what really worries me is that it's only Tuesday. So I had my last scheduled interview yesterday and it was highlighting a really cool business that's doing awesome things for the autism community. Everything was going great and Emmett didn't even make an appearance. At some point, I happen to look over at my mixer and noticed that it had stopped recording…


I needed stitches but #COVID kept me from going to the ER

The boys have school in the morning and I have my last recording of the year scheduled in the afternoon. I'm not sure if that will be tacked onto season 3 or be the first episode of season 4. Decisions decisions. I think it's going to be a relatively slow week. We have groceries ordered and scheduled for delivery on Tuesday and Wednesday. They're from different places and have different schedules. I'm weird about groceries. I like Walmart for most things but prefer Giant Eagle for meat and produce. In the advent of COVID, grocery shopping can amount to multiple deliveries. There are going to be big steps forward in my divorce this week. The progress is good because it's one big step closer to gaining some needed closure for…


Fingers crossed that I sleep tonight

You know what? It's actually been a pretty good day. Obviously, it wasn't perfect or stress free but I don't think those days even exist. I feel like we made some progress around the house and for the most part, the kids got along with each other. I'm always grateful for that and it helps to maintain a positive tone for the day. It's amazing how something so simple can change the demeanor in the house. I didn't get a whole lot of work done but I've written twice and that hasn't happened in forever. That's big for me and it's progress. This week I need to focus on finishing up episode 39 and before Wednesday. That should be relatively easy, assuming the boys let me have the time needed…


It’s 2:40 am and I’m too stressed to sleep

It's been a rough day in our house. My tank is pretty much on empty and the kids have been such a handful lately. I'm exhausted and coming up short in the patience department. Currently, it's almost 3am and I still can't fall asleep because it's been such a stressful day. I can't seem to shut my brain off. The kids have been at each other's throats all day. Emmett and Gavin were fighting and I was done with it. I sent them downstairs to call their mom and have her help them resolve whatever they were fighting over. It didn't end well and made things infinitely worse but Lizze did what she could from a distance. The kids needed a physical intervention and that of course, can't be done…