It’s been a month and a half since my 16 year marriage ended and here’s how I’m holding up

People keep asking how I'm doing with everything going on in my life. I know what they're asking, without really asking and I truly appreciate the concern. I thought it would be easier to just put a short update together, rather than continue to answer individual questions. It's been about a month and a half since the kids and I have been on our own and all things considered, I'm doing okay. That's not to say that I'm not struggling though. It's been over a month since Emmett took my wedding ring off my finger and you can still see where it was. I don't wear a ring anymore because A) it stands for something that no longer exists and B) it's upsetting for the kids. 😔 💔 There are…


Trying very hard to help my kids just be kids

I have a very special plan for the day today. My goal is to try and fill the kids day with normalcy. What I mean by that is I want to focus on these guys just being kids today. There's so much going on in their lives right now causing them pain and distress. I can't control that, nor can I take their pain away. All I'm able to do is make sure that they know they're loved, that I'll never leave them and that their only job is to be a kid. Unfortunately, kids in general are subjected to many adult issues and while it's true that kids are resilient, that shouldn't be considered a free pass to force grownup issues on them. It can be difficult to distract…


Holy shit, no one is fighting tonight

The kids are really quiet and Emmett's still not feeling well. I think this is all transitional/emotional in nature. On the positive side of things, no one is fighting. The boys and I are spending the day watching DC animated movies in honor of Batman Day. It's been awhile since I've been able to get all three of the kids to watch the same thing at the same time.


Is it bad that I don’t know what day it is?

The boys are home from their mom/grandparents house and seem to have had a really awesome visit. That's great and I feel like progress is being made in the right direction. I've been busy all morning getting all the running around done. I really pushed myself to get this stuff done because for whatever reason, I thought it was Sunday and the kids had school in the morning. The days are sorta blending together anymore. Either way, at least it's done. One of my errands was to the grocery store where just the basics ran me about $170. I wish food were cheaper and the sensory issues my kids deal with, were easier/cheaper to manage. I got the groceries put away and dinner in the slow cooker. There's still laundry…


I chose to be lazy last night

I had a fairly quiet,and uneventful night. I never heard from the boys, which likely means that everything is going well and that's awesome. I chose to be super lazy and not do much of anything. There were a million things that needed done but I rarely get unrestricted, guiltfree downtime. The kids will be home in a couple hours, so I'm going to run out to the store and get the things we need for lunches this week. If I don't go now, I'll have drag everyone with me. In the event that anyone comes home upset, I don't want to have to do that. I got up early and will be heading out shortly.


Time, Patience and Bribery

After a tiny bit of distraction, a smidgen of wizardry and shit-ton of patience, I was able to get the kids to school this morning. To be completely honest, there might have been a little bribery as well. Today was a more complicated day because there were several moving parts that got us here. It's been an emotional 5 or 6 weeks to begin with. The kids had a very emotional therapy session with their mom this week. It was a mixed bag but big picture, it was still positive. Both boys have struggled a bit more since then but I think it was just the high level of emotions that sorta took a toll. Emmett informed me last night while at school that day, a staff member or members…


No Shirt No Shoes No School

Emmett went to bed not feeling good and still isn't feeling good this morning. Neither is Elliott. They had a blast at the movie last night and didn't even get to bed that late. They're both very stressed out and that would take a toll on anyone. Elliott's hip hurts and Emmett's stomach is upset. Both are going to school because if they don't, they won't be able to visit their mom tonight. If they are too sick to go to school, they're too sick to go anywhere. That's how we've always handled things like this. I'm pretty sure their mom would support that decision. I only push this because it's most likely emotionally based and as shitty as it is that they have to be dealing with this fucked…


Trying to dad-gineer Emmett’s Halloween costume early this year

I wanted to do a quick update in regards to figuring out the boys Halloween costumes for this year. It's a bit of a challenge because they are very particular but I'm making progress. This is really important to them this year and I suspect it's a positive distraction. Elliott and Emmett want to go as Sam and Dean Winchester, respectively. At the moment, I'm focusing on Emmett's costume because it's going to require some dad-gineering. The most important piece of Emmett's costume for him is the first blade. If you've ever watched Supernatural, you're familiar with what that is. If you're not, here's a picture. You might need to zoom in a bit but you get the idea. This is super important to Emmett and the cheapest knockoff we…