We got some bad news about Gavin and I don’t really know what to do with it
Gavin's immunologist called today with his recent lab results. There was some concerning news and I'm not sure what to do with this..
Gavin's immunologist called today with his recent lab results. There was some concerning news and I'm not sure what to do with this..
The reason Gavin was going today was to fix his front tooth. No one knows what happened but part of the face of his front tooth had been sheared off. Check out the what he had done..
A super quick update about how the boys did today. More to come.... ☺
I'm so proud of Emmett. He did so awesome this morning. Check out what he did... ☺
Sometimes we have to dig deep into our repertoire of parenting tricks, in order to get through the day. Here's what we had to do this morning to ensure smooth sailing... Can anyone relate? Let me know in the comments..
I know this sounds really weird but Gavin seems to be doing better and worse all at the same time. Let me explain.
We already have the fact that it's a Monday working against us. This is going to be a really rough day for both us and the kids. Here's why...
Show of hands. Who here enjoys buying socks for their child with #Autism or #SPD? This is of course, sarcasm because for many of us, it's a nightmare. We went sock shopping again today. Read about it at the link below and share your experience in the comments... ☺