I need some serious parenting advice
There are times when I could really use some parenting advice.. This is one of those times....
There are times when I could really use some parenting advice.. This is one of those times....
With everyone being sick over the last 2 weeks things have a bit chaotic. I'm now focusing on trying to reestablish some of our routines... ☺
When we think about how difficult Autism Parenting can be, it's often times some of the secondary behaviors that present the most challenge. Here's some of my thoughts on this topic... ☺
I get so tired of being woken by this in the mornings..
Fevers are back once again tonight and the sucks. Here's what's going on, followed by an important announcement..
One of my favorite parts of the day is right about now........
I'm hoping this does the trick but I'll have to wait an see. Here's the deal....
Life would be so much easier if all my kids had the same needs.. Here's what I'm planning to keep my kids occupied and resting tonight. I'm not sure how this is going to go...