I chose to be lazy last night

I had a fairly quiet,and uneventful night. I never heard from the boys, which likely means that everything is going well and that's awesome. I chose to be super lazy and not do much of anything. There were a million things that needed done but I rarely get unrestricted, guiltfree downtime. The kids will be home in a couple hours, so I'm going to run out to the store and get the things we need for lunches this week. If I don't go now, I'll have drag everyone with me. In the event that anyone comes home upset, I don't want to have to do that. I got up early and will be heading out shortly.


Time, Patience and Bribery

After a tiny bit of distraction, a smidgen of wizardry and shit-ton of patience, I was able to get the kids to school this morning. To be completely honest, there might have been a little bribery as well. Today was a more complicated day because there were several moving parts that got us here. It's been an emotional 5 or 6 weeks to begin with. The kids had a very emotional therapy session with their mom this week. It was a mixed bag but big picture, it was still positive. Both boys have struggled a bit more since then but I think it was just the high level of emotions that sorta took a toll. Emmett informed me last night while at school that day, a staff member or members…


No Shirt No Shoes No School

Emmett went to bed not feeling good and still isn't feeling good this morning. Neither is Elliott. They had a blast at the movie last night and didn't even get to bed that late. They're both very stressed out and that would take a toll on anyone. Elliott's hip hurts and Emmett's stomach is upset. Both are going to school because if they don't, they won't be able to visit their mom tonight. If they are too sick to go to school, they're too sick to go anywhere. That's how we've always handled things like this. I'm pretty sure their mom would support that decision. I only push this because it's most likely emotionally based and as shitty as it is that they have to be dealing with this fucked…


Trying to dad-gineer Emmett’s Halloween costume early this year

I wanted to do a quick update in regards to figuring out the boys Halloween costumes for this year. It's a bit of a challenge because they are very particular but I'm making progress. This is really important to them this year and I suspect it's a positive distraction. Elliott and Emmett want to go as Sam and Dean Winchester, respectively. At the moment, I'm focusing on Emmett's costume because it's going to require some dad-gineering. The most important piece of Emmett's costume for him is the first blade. If you've ever watched Supernatural, you're familiar with what that is. If you're not, here's a picture. You might need to zoom in a bit but you get the idea. This is super important to Emmett and the cheapest knockoff we…


The kids are turning on each other again

The boys got off to school but we were late. Emmett had nightmares all night again and I wasn't able to sleep well because he kept startling awake. Unfortunately, I overslept as a result and that didn't get us off to a good start. Elliott must have partially dislocated his hip while he was sleeping because he was in a lot of pain this morning. We were in such a hurry to get out the door, I forgot to give Elliott a motrin for his hip pain. Total failure on my part but I can't change it. The only reason I even know I forgot was because I heard from the school. Elliott was having problems with his hip and they wanted permission to give him motrin for it. Hopefully…


He’s permanently moved himself into my room

For about a month and a half, Emmett has been crashing in my room at night. He won't sleep in his own bed or stay in his room since his mom moved out. I sorta expected this because it's what happened the last time as well. He's struggling more than he's saying or maybe is aware of, but the constant nightmares, the strangling me at night, tummy aches, headaches and moodiness have me concerned. Emmett has informed me that he's permanently moving into my room. He's moved most of his things, including his clothes, into the recently vacated dresser in my room. I've spoken to him about how this is a temporary arrangement because it's important that he sleep in his own bed. I'm happy to do this if it…


I wish he could just be a kid

Gavin and I waited outside the school as we do every single day. Gavin was lost in his game and I was anxiously awaiting the doors to open so I could see how the boys did today. They've both been struggling at school as a result of all the recent changes that have been forced upon them. The good news is that both of them made it through the day. Emmett was in pretty good shape and that's awesome. Elliott on the other hand, had a pretty rough day and it absolutely breaks my heart. When he went to school this morning, he was so stressed out that he'd broken out in hives. Before school, I gave him his new antihistamine that doubles as a mild anti-anxiety medication, hoping that…


Even baby steps are steps forward

It was a rough night. Emmett had nightmares throughout the entire night and kept waking up. I'm exhausted and we ended up oversleeping as a result. To make things worse, I was so overwhelmed last night that I forgot to bake a new batch of pepperoni rolls for their lunches. Thankfully, Elliott and Emmett both decided to have leftover pizza in their lunch instead. I'm pretty sure they took pitty on me and while I appreciate that, I'm hoping they actually eat their lunch today. We got out the door a few minutes early because I needed to talk to the school and clarify how we were going to handle the boys when they were distressed while at school. I made sure the boys were present so everyone was on…