My Self-Care Journey: Managing Pain, Fighting Burnout, and Prioritizing My Health

Today was a big day for me. I finally went to see a spinal surgeon for a consult about my back—something I probably should have done a long time ago. For those who don’t know, I’ve been living with a major back injury for the last 25 years. It’s something I’ve carried with me since my time as a fire/medic, and I’ve been living in pain ever since, doing my best to avoid surgery. But lately, things have been getting harder. The pain has been worse, I’ve been struggling with burnout, and I’ve regained some of the weight I had worked so hard to lose. Kelly and the boys have been encouraging me to get checked out and figure out my options. Kelly reminded me—again—that self-care isn’t just something I…


Recommitting to self-care

If you’ve listened to the podcast or even my Facebook Lives, you’ve probably heard me talk about hitting a wall last year. I don’t share this for sympathy or anything like that. I talk about it because I desperately want you to never experience what I went through. Last year and part of this year, I experienced the worst period of burnout I’ve ever experienced. It lasted about six months and took me to a very, very dark place. I don’t want to delve into that darkness right now but it was bad enough that I never want to experience it again and it took a tremendous amount of energy to keep a smile on my face so no one knew I was struggling. I was able to mask what…

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Time moves way too fast

I took the kids to Hocking Hills State Park today. It was a relatively spontaneous trip, and it’s been a little while since I’ve done anything like this with the kids. I’ve been so stressed out and distracted lately, and I feel like I’ve not spent much quality time with my kids. I needed this, and the kids definitely needed it too. It was just the three of us because the hiking would have been too much for Gavin, and he was spending a few days with his grandparents anyway. The 5 hour's drive wasn’t too bad, and we spent the afternoon exploring Old Man’s Cave and The Rock House. The hiking wasn’t too bad, and they both did great. Emmett’s been in physical therapy because he’s dealing with back…

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You can’t give what you don’t have

Selfcare is so important for everyone, but especially for parents. When you're a parent, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of taking care of your kids and forget to take care of yourself. But if you don't make time for selfcare, you won't have anything left to give to your kids. You need to take care of yourself so that you can be the best parent possible. Selfcare doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. It can be as simple as taking a few moments every day to breathe deeply and relax, or taking a break to read your favorite book. Just make sure that you're making time for yourself every day. Your kids will benefit from it in the long run.


It’s a process

This journey through life has taken us to some dark places. I want you to know that there is light on the other side. Here's some of our story and why you shoukd never give up.


The reality of being a single parent to 3 neurodivergent teenage boys while battling my own demons

It's been a roller-coaster week for me. The last month has been challenging for me on a number of levels and I'm trying to work my way through it. There's so much going on in my life at the moment and I'm trying to stay on top of everything. Work is keeping me busy, which is a great. Things are going well and business is growing. I just landed a major partnership that is honestly, kinda life altering for us. It's a long time coming and I'm very grateful for the opportunity. I'm so excited to get the ball rolling with that and I'll have more to share next week. All good stuff. I finally got in to see my primary care physician to discuss the results of my ADHD…


People don’t fake they’re depressed, they fake they’re okay and I’m pretty good at doing that

This is actually really sad but I'm in a place where I really want to celebrate every possible victory I can. It's been a long day. Emmett and I had somewhere to be in the morning. The information is currently under embargo, so I can't talk about it yet, but it was a pretty cool experience. Aside from spending time with Emmett today, my claim to fame is that I shaved for the first time in over two weeks. That's really sad but when you're struggling with depression/burnout like I am right now, every single win counts. Today took a lot out of me. I'm so exhausted and I just want to go to bed but all three of the kids are still wide awake. They're adjusting to a new…


Making progress

It's been a long week, especially with the kids being sick on and off for the last two weeks. I didn't get a break last weekend because they were sick. I was feeling burned out, overwhelmed, and frustrated. I feel like that's pretty normal considering and also temporary because life gets better. I woke up this morning feeling really good. I slept so well last night and apparently checked all the boxes. My Samsung Health Sleep Report The boys were supposed to visit their mom today but because they still are a bit under the weather, it's been rescheduled for a later date. While I could use the break, I get it and it is what it is. No biggie. I've spent the morning responding to emails and working on…

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