This is too amazing not to share

It's easy to find ourselves overwhelmed by all the terrible things going on in the world. There's so much negativity out there anymore, and twenty-four hour news cycle helps to ensure that we all know it.  Recently, I shared a story about how Gavin accidently broke his sword while training in the early hours of the morning.  Gavin was devastated because this sword played a key roll in his responsiblities to the Universe. Gavin has Schizophrenia and lives in a very different world than the rest of us. He sees and hears things that no one else can see or hear. It's not easy for any of us, least of all Gavin.  A day or two after my entry about what happened was published, I received an email from someone,…


These are just words – Imagine having to live it

Today's been okay in some ways and a complete disaster in others.  Lizze got off to class this morning without a problem. That's good because after the mixup yesterday, she was worried.  Emmett was running a high fever again and let's just say, he's not in a good place. Everything is amplified for him right now, and he has a less than zero frustration threshold. That's proven to be challenging.  Elliott went to school however, he wasn't comfortable being the only Gorski in the school, but that's something he just has to get over. Shortly after noon, I received a call from the school because Elliott had a blister on his foot that had recently burst and it hurt really bad.  At the very same time, I'm texting with Lizze…


Heartbreak: When Good News is actual Bad News

Wow! Today has been one of those days where I gave it my all, and spent myself into a hole. I'm feeling really stressed out, overwhelmed, and worried.  There's a lot to discuss but for right now, I'm going to focus in Emmett. We learned something today that has me very, very concerned. This is one of those times, where what should be good news, is actually bad news.  Elliott went to school and was perfectly healthy. He wasn't happy, but he was healthy. Lizze was supposed to start class today, but a mixup with scheduling, postponed that start by one day.  While Emmett wasn't running a fever this morning, I was able to get him in to see his pediatrician. Lizze stayed home with Gavin, so as not to…


Why today isn’t going right

Nothing is going as planned this morning. That shouldn't surprise me because very few things go as planned in my life.  Elliott was fine this and made it to school. That's awesome. Emmett sees his pediatrician this morning, and we'll hopefully figure out what he has going on.  Unfortunately, Lizze missed her first day of DBT therapy because her transportation never showed up. That problem is fixed now and going forward, we should be okay.  She's really stressed out of this whole thing, but it is what it is at this point.  The icing on the cake is that the direct deposit we'd been expecting, didn't show up. When we called to enquire about it, we're told it should hit tomorrow, but for less than half the amount it's supposed…


Today’s going to be tough and here’s why

This weekend has been pretty horrible. It's been horrible because Emmett is sick, Elliott says he's not feeling well, and Gavin has been driving my sleep-deprived ass, absolutely crazy. We just finished day number two of Emmett having a sore throat and fever. The current plan is for me to possibly take Elliott to school, before heading to Aultman North, assuming we can't get into the pediatrician. If Elliott's actually running a fever, I'll just take him with me, and kills two birds with one stone. I'm not a huge fan of taking Gavin to wherever we end up going, because we avoid exposing him to the life-size petri dish, that is urgent care. I don't have a choice this time because Lizze begins DBT classes out of town in…


Emmett’s gone from bad to worse 

Tonight has not gone well. Emmett has gotten really sick. His fever has come back, and his throat still hurts.  At bedtime, Emmett complained of nausea. We helped him fall asleep, and he was out for about two hours. Around 10pm, Emmett puked all over his bed, and his bed is the top bunk.  I'm once again on the couch in the living room. Emmett's on the other one, curled up, and sleeping. God bless Lizze cause while I was comforting Emmett, she somehow got his bed scrubbed down and sanitized.  I didn't know this, but apparently strep throat can cause nausea and vomiting. We're not sure if this is why we're dealing with all of this unpleasantness, but if he's not better by Monday, we're going to get him…


This is NOT a good thing

Mr. Emmett woke up this morning, not feeling well. He was complaining of a sore throat, but that was it. As the day progressed, so did whatever he has going on.  A few minutes ago, he spike a really high fever.  At this point in time, we aren't sure what's going in. He could have something like strep throat, or this could be a fever cycle.  We've seen fever cycles in the past where the mouth sores appear in his throat, causing a great deal of discomfort. Like I said, we aren't sure what's going on. If this is a fever cycle, this is the highest we've seen in a very long time.  Please keep Emmett in your thoughts and prayers. We're managing the fever and will go from there. 


How I saved my sanity and calmed our #Autism house

Lizze and I took the boys to the park this evening. It had been a stressful day for a number of reasons, and I wanted to steer the car back onto the road.  We all had fun. Emmett caught Pokémon, and Elliott was doing something on his tablet. Elliott was enjoying sitting on the bench in the garden. It was a tranquil moment for him, and while I'd of preferred no tablets, I was happy to see them happy.  Gavin went straight to his favorite spot and sat down. He loves these big rocks above a small waterfall.  While keeping a close eye on the boys, I got to spend some time doing one of my favorite things, aside from writing. I love taking pictures, especially nature related.  At some…