This was a big step forward

Gavin had his IVIG infusion this morning/afternoon. Everything finished up fine, but it took a really long time. What was different about this particular infusion was that Gavin wanted to hangout in his room during the procedure.  This is highly unusual because when he's undergoing this procedure, he hates to physically move. He's afraid that the needles will move.  This morning however, he said he wanted to move upstairs and watch a movie on his tablet.  We were happy to hear this because he needs to be able to walk around while receiving his IVIG. He doesn't have to move around, but it's a good thing that he's able to get up, and move around without being afraid.  This was a big step forward. ☺ 


You might not believe this

In what can only be called a miraculous turn of events, both boys are in school today. 😁  There was some struggle in regards to lunches, but we did finally get out the door. We even got to school a bit early, and I was able to speak with the principal, as well as Emmett's teachers.  We addressed the whole breaking pencils thing, and was comforted by hearing from several of the staff members that his non-uniform shirt was okay.  After dropping the boys off and dealing with each of their problems/concerns, Gavin and I went walking.  I'm feeling pretty amazing today and really enjoyed walking. 


Rediscovering forgotten skills 

I have been working to reduce the amount of time Gavin spends on his tablet during the day. Part of that process is requiring him to practice some of his other skills during the day.  The first forgotten skill is drawing.  Gavin used to spend a great deal time drawing. He hasn't been drawing in for quite awhile. I'm not sure why, but I'm trying to reintroduce him to his past love of art.  At some point during the day, Gavin is required to take a break from his tablet and draw three pictures. As time goes on, I'll introduce different tasks as well. This is meant to keep his brain working, as well as broaden his horizon.  Gavin has no complaints about this and I'm hoping his love of…


Emotional distress

Sunday was a tough day for Elliott. He's been struggling emotionally for awhile. We're working with Dr. Pattie to help him, but he's in a place where I'm not sure how to get through to him.  Much of what is eating him alive is in regards to school. He likes school but he's extremely frustrated with the behaviors of some of his classmates. Frankly, it sounds very much like typical stupid kid antics, and I've explained that to Elliott.  At the same time, some of what is upsetting him is actionable and I need to look into it.  Apparently, one of the kids sitting next to Elliott enjoys breaking pencils and has broken all fifteen of Elliott's new pencils. According to Elliott, he's approached his teachers and they haven't done…


Whatever happens we’ll tackle it together

We had a rather long weekend, and I'm unsure of how Monday is going to start out. Lizze has had a really rough few days, and I tried to let her sleep as much as I could. I ended up falling asleep on the couch this afternoon because I was so exhausted from the past few days.  Emmett has been struggling, but able to wear a shirt all day on Saturday. Unfortunately, Sunday was not very kind to him and neither were his clothes.  He spent the first half of the day without any, but did eventually get dressed towards the end of the day. He's not been eating well and I'm concerned that we might be looking at back to back fever cycles. It's rare, but it's happened a…


We’ve gone a full 24 hours 

I want to take a minute and say that Emmett has been doing an awesome job for the last twenty-four hours. Towards the end of last week, Emmett was unable to wear a shirt.  It's a sensory processing thing, and there wasn't anything I could do to help him. He ended up missing school on Thursday and Friday, as a result of not being able to tolerate a shirt.  I'm tentatively excited because Emmett has been wearing a shirt for the last twenty-four hours. I'm hoping this is a sign of things to come, because we could use a good week. There's only two weeks of school left, and I'd like to make the best of it. ☺ 


Pictures from our #Autism family adventure 

While Lizze was resting today, I took the boys for a hike. We went about two-ish miles, and everyone made it to the end.  Mr. Emmett needed to make about a dozen or so stops to fix his crocs, but he did so and continued on. We all had fun, explored nature and got some exercise.  I told the boys that perhaps after Lizze wakes up, we'll go to a playground, and maybe get some ice cream to celebrate Mother's Day a bit early. ☺  Below are some of the pictures I took from our hike today. 


Screams of terror were heard all through the house

Just as I was brushing my teeth last night, getting ready to go to sleep, Emmett woke up in a panic. I was in the bathroom and out of habit, I closed the door behind me.  Emmett ran into my room and saw that I was gone. He ran downstairs, thinking I was sleeping in the couch or something. When he didn't find me there, he just began screaming at the top of his lungs. It was a scream that immediately conveyed terror.  When I opened the bathroom door to go get him, he was standing right there. It sorta freaked me out a bit because I didn't hear him come back up the stairs.  He was standing there, sorta swaying back and forth, like he was trying to keep…