Wellbutrine kicked my ass this morning
I wanted to share how my new antidepressant has been impacting me today. Side effects are to be expected, especially as my body adjusts to the new medication. Here's what happened today... Read More
I wanted to share how my new antidepressant has been impacting me today. Side effects are to be expected, especially as my body adjusts to the new medication. Here's what happened today... Read More
It was a rough night but today is a new day and clean slate. Here's how things are going so far....
I feel like I'm grappling with depression for control over my life. The truth is, I am... Here's what I'm doing about it.... Read More
It's been one of the most chaotic days I can remember. My sanity was really tested and I'm not sure how much I actually have left... Here's what happened
I just finished putting them to bed and I'm praying that Emmett will fall asleep because I'm about to punch the fucking time clock and try to unwind
Holy Shit, we actually made to Gavin's OT/PT appointment today This has been such a long time coming and we've actually made it. 😀 We're currently just waiting to go back and get started.. I'm pretty excited.. Check Out My Instagram Feed
The boys never went back to bed and I came really close to keeping them home because sending them to school after that little sleep is asking for trouble