I’m hoping to take the kids outside today
The kids have had a pretty good morning and I'm hoping to do something nice for them today
The kids have had a pretty good morning and I'm hoping to do something nice for them today
There's not really anything going on this weekend but I do want to get this done......
25 pictures of my Autism family from over the years. Check it out and see my amazing kids with #Autism.... ☺
There are so many times that I doubt myself and question the sanity of whoever thought it was a good idea to make me an Autism Dad. There are also days like today, when I feel like a totally awesome Autism Dad... Here's why I'm feeling so great today...
The boys kicked ass this morning and overcame several obstacles before heading off to school
Another end to another challenging day. That's become the status quo of late and I've just sorta gotten used to it being that way. Life with Autism in it can be very challenging.. Rewarding but also challenging
".......I had no idea when we left for school, I would get a glimpse of what he's feeling. I'm heartbroken but I'm also so proud of him for finding a way to connect to his feelings and share it in such a beautiful way..."
Managing the medications of kids with special needs isn't easy. Here's why I don't always give my kids their afternoon dose of ADHD meds...