We just survived a massive, massive meltdown

From the moment I picked Elliott up from school, his anxiety level was building and building.  He may tell me what he thinks is wrong but I just don't think that it's very accurate. Based on his enormously raging meltdown, I feel like what he's telling me is missing key pieces of information, needed to figure out how to help him.  There is no consoling him. There is no reasoning with him because that trains already left the station.  I now have a headache and my stress level has been taken through the roof. 😱   


Off to physical therapy at @AkronChildrens

Emmett, Elliott and I are going to be on our way to physical therapy at Akron Children's Hospital. Emmett gets 45 minutes of therapy a week and it really is a positive thing.  It sucks that I have to pull him out of school early but the benefits far outweigh the price of admission.  I anticipate a really positive session with his amazing PT. 😀   


Both IEP meetings are done

Just finished up my IEP meeting for the day and I can safely say that my brain is fried. I'll explain what happened later on in the day but for now, everything went well.  There are a few things that need to be noted but I'll explain later.  I'm going walking to clear my cluttered head.    


Do you have any idea how today has gone?

Its been one of those days that has dragged on forever. I've pretty much been nonstop since 7:00am this morning.  On the plus side, I got a great many things accomplished.     Gavin's IVIG infusion is just about done (at the time of writing 8:30pm), so he will be off to bed shortly. That marks the end of my parenting stuff for the night. Sure, there's still a million things I need to do still but I'm exhausted and need to be ready for two IEP meetings in the morning.  😱 Anyway, Emmett's eyes checked out good and his new glasses will be ready in about a week. He will now have two backup pairs and I feel really good about that because I really like redundancy.  Elliott had a…


Emmett kicked butt at his eye appointment today

Emmett and I just got back into town, picked up Gavin and will be getting Elliott from school in a few minutes. Emmett's eye exam went great and he only needed a mild adjustment to his prescription. The doctor said his glasses will essentially remain unchanged. Something that's a little different this time is that Emmett wanted transition lenses because of his sensitivity to light. Unfortunately, those aren't covered by insurance and I had to pay for them out of pocket but he's so excited about them that I'm not even worried about the unexpected expense.  Insurance covered a cheap pair of glasses that he can use as a backup pair and his transition ones will be his daily drivers..  I never really new how much the light really bothered…


PSA: September is Childhood Obesity Month

Childhood obesity affects one in every three child in the United States (CDC, 2012). This is an epidemic that is negatively affecting so many children, and we need to take action.    That is why September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. Here are three things you can do with your children right now to educate them about obesity and a healthy lifestyle: Play! - LetsMove.gov/Get-Active is a great resource to know how much physical activity your child should do per day. Playing actively with your child is also a great bonding opportunity you will remember for life! Teach Nutrition – ChooseMyPlate.gov has great resources for teaching your children about nutrition. Eat Healthy – After you learn about nutrition, follow through! Mom Made Foods is a great resource of quick,…