I’m a Daddy on the verge of losing his mind
I'm a Daddy on the verge of losing his mind
I'm a Daddy on the verge of losing his mind
BAD NEWS: Both boys came home from school sick today and there are few things I fear more than both of my kids with #Autism being sick at the same time....
There's a lively debate going on within my Facebook fan page on this topic. I wanted to bring this here because it's really interesting how people see this issue from different perspectives. All I ask is that you please be respectful to everyone.. I'm wanting to hear your thoughts on this. This shouldn't be about bashing someone who may be different. It's about... Posted by The Autism Dad on Monday, November 16, 2015
Just another day in the life of this #Autism family
Let's just kill the #vaccine debate and focus on more important things
I've no idea what I'm going to do for dinner