We pretty much kicked ass today

It's been a pretty amazing day here in The Autism Dad house and I don't say that very often. The first day of Emmett's new schedule went off without much of a hitch. He did pretty good and I'm proud of him. Tomorrow will be the test because normally, he wouldn't have any classes, as it would be an off day. This will be a test. Anyway, the car is back. That's right. It only took 4 or 5 weeks but she's looking good. Big thanks to my Mom for helping me get there. It was the safest approach because while they don't quarantine, they do take this very seriously. Masks on and windows down for a 5 minute drive. Thanks Mom. ☺ ♥ Can't wait until February when I…

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One last trip before for the next few weeks

I took the boys to Quail Hollow for one last hike before the car goes in to get fixed. It's going to be a few weeks before I get it back. We don't go anywhere very often but it sucks anyway. We found an entirely new trail and it took us roughly 2.5 miles start to finish. Everyone did awesome and the weather was perfect. We were so far away from anyone else that we were able to take our masks for a little while and smell the Fall leaves. ☺ There's an abandoned house in the park that I've always wanted to know more about. You can see it in the gallery above. The trail we took today lead us right behind it. You can see the path we…


I’m really proud of what we accomplished today, even if others don’t get it

I've not talked about this much but I've started working out again. While I really, really want a treadmill, I'm making do with some free weights and a set of BowFlex kettlebells. There are some serious cardio exercises that can be done with kettlebells. Anyway, I was feeling pretty good today and so I suggested we go to our favorite outdoor location, Quail Hollow. We didn't have a whole lot of time because the boys had therapy but we got in a short hike. Elliott's eyes kill me here. He was goofing around and that's a positive thing. I mean the drive was longer than the hike but the boys got to take some awesome pictures and we found some cool little creatures along the way. We set out with…

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We persevered this week

It's been a crazy stressful week but I'm so proud of how we persevered. The boys ultimately made it through their first week of distance learning and even exceeded their hours for the week. Their experience has been improving and while Elliott is still having technical issues, Emmett seems to be experiencing fewer. For the most part, we tried keeping to their previous school schedule but it didn't always work. What I've found was that giving the boys a little freedom over how their day is managed, seems to motivate them. Obviously, I can't let them loose but if they start at 10am instead of 9am, who cares. As long as they complete their work, that's all that matters. One of the coolest things about distance learning is that if…


Guy Time at Quail Hollow with my #Autistic kids

Lizze was still in a bad place yesterday. She was in so much pain, she could barely move. Unfortunately, that put a dent in our plans to take the boys hiking at Quail Hollow. We ended up having Lizze go back to bed to get some rest, while I took the boys on my own. Lizze needed the time off and the boys really wanted to go back to Quail Hollow. I figured that we could probably use some guy time anyway. We hit the trails that we missed the first time around and hiked for a little under 2.5 miles. Everyone did great and we had alot of fun. It was probably the first day in a week where the heat index wasn't over 100°F. The weather was warm…