How You Could Help A Special Needs Parent

As the rates of Autism continues to skyrocket, the likely hood of you knowing someone that is a special needs parent is growing as well. Maybe you already know someone with a special needs child. Perhaps, a friend or family member. In this article, I hope to give you some simple ways that you can help the special needs parent in your life. Knowing what to say or do can be daunting for someone that doesn't have experience with special needs parenting. This is probably where many people, with the best of intentions, get scared off. Seeing what a special needs parent goes through can be a very overwhelming experience for anyone. It may even seem so dire that one might feel that they have nothing to offer, that could…


Emmett will take on a pretty major change today

We have a sorta major schedule change for Mr. Emmett today. We've switched over to the school schedule for his physical therapy today. Normally he goes to therapy on Wednesdays at 1pm but with school coming soon, we needed to make the switch to a more sustainable school schedule.  Therapy will be on Tuesday afternoons now and he'll have to be pulled from school early, once it starts. That being said, it will be at the end of the day and shouldn't disrupt anything significant. The school is amazing at working with me so I know everything will work out.  The only fly in the ointment, so to speak, is the physical change from one day and time to another. Kids with Autism tend to dislike change and Emmett is…


Guess who lost another tooth?

I forgot to tell you folks that Elliott lost another tooth the other day. He's missing his two front teeth and now two on the bottom. 😁 He's been handling this really well. He normally panics at the sight of blood but he pulled the tooth out when it was ready, all by himself. 👍      


Today’s Autism Victory: Walking a mile in his shoes

I want to take a few minutes and share a pretty big victory we celebrated tonight. The world at large probably won't understand the significance of something like this but I know at least some of you will.  Elliott struggles with extreme anxiety. He takes medication to improve his quality of life but it doesn't really help.  The boys and I walked the track tonight. Elliott wanted to explore the banks of the creek but I had to tell him no because we were racing the weather and I didn't want to be caught in the rain.     Elliott wasn't happy with that and kept pushing and pushing to be allowed to go. My answer didn't change and he was getting really frustrated. I stood my ground because I knew…


Gavin makes his triumphant return to the Cleveland Clinic next week

Something I'm don't know if I've shared before is that Gavin has connective tissue problems. Apparently, his Mom has a connective tissue disorder but that was diagnosed after she left and so I'm relatively in the dark on that. Gavin is extremely hyper flexible. Some of the things he can do are actually cringe worthy and hard to watch.  I've known about that forever and that's one reason why he was in OT/PT and is currently back on the waiting list.     The problem he's been having recently is that his shoulders and hips pop out. It's very painful and just sorta happens randomly. He could be running around and be just fine but he could have his shoulder or hip pop out while climbing out of bed in the…


I’m having a really hard time getting my son with #Autism to eat

As a father to 3 boys with Autism, feeding issues are nothing new to me. I've faced those challenges almost 3 times a day for 15 years.  Typically this envolves making a different meal for each child and then remaking it several times, until it's sensory acceptable. It's a long and often wasteful process but kids with these problems with sooner starve than eat something that's offensive to them in sensory level.  Of my 3 boys, Emmett is by far the most sensory sensitive and as such, the most challenging to feed.     Lately, it's getting more and more difficult to ensure he's eating.  It's frustrating for both of us because I worry about him losing weight and he truly is hungry. What ends up happening is whatever I do…


I awoke to screaming this morning 

It was a little bit after 7am and Elliott and Emmett were already awake. They had gone downstairs and we're playing the Xbox. That's not a big deal but apparently, there was a disagreement over something.  That disagreement led to Emmett melting down and screaming at the top of his lungs.  Of course, in the moment, I had no idea what was going on and so I awoke in a panic, only to find that everything was indeed okay. No one was getting stabbed or shot. Someone just wasn't getting his way.  Let me tell you somethine. That's not the best way to be woke up, especially on a Monday. lol    I put an end to the problems they were having and shut the game off. Since then, everyone's…


The toughest part of being an #Autism parent

Being a special needs parent can be frustrating for a multitude of reasons. I bet if I asked random people, what they thought the hardest part of being a special needs parent was, there would be some pretty interesting answers. In the almost 15 years I've been a special needs parent, I've fought many battles. Some of those battles were school and IEP related. Some were insurance related. Let's be honest, many of them were insurance related. Battles were fought just to get my kids to eat a meal or wear clothes. There's the stress, anxiety, meltdowns, overstimulation, communication challenges, loss of friends, a complete implosion of your social life and a lifetime without sleep. I've faced off with each one of these challenges and more, on countless occasions, as…