I’m so grateful my kids let me rest this afternoon

I'm so grateful to the boys for letting me nap a little bit this afternoon. I haven't been feeling well since I got up this morning. I don't know if it's something I ate or if it's a stomach bug but I've been really nauseous and I can't get rid of this headache.  For the most part, the kids have been great.  Emmett's entered into another fever flare and so he's hardly eaten anything today because his mouth hurts too bad.  He's really sporting a short fuse at this point but I certainly can't blame him. He's got to be absolutely miserable.  I'll write more about the flares in another post later on but the whole point is that all things considered, the boys have done really well today. I'm…


I’m really close to losing our house

I suppose the title says it all.  I'm pretty close to losing our house and the reason I'm sharing this is because it had an impact on a really tough decision I made today.. Anyone that truly knows me knows that I take my family very seriously. It's my responsibility to provide for them and no one else's. My goal is to be as physically and financially independent as humanly possible. That's always been my goal.  I was able to meet that goal for long time, until I got hurt and things slowly unraveled from there but that's really kind of irrelevant at this point.     Once upon a time, I would have been more upfront about this because I believe that I'm far from the only special needs family…


Here’s my Photo of The Day: Too stinking Cute

I am a closet photographer and I've recently begun sharing the pictures I take in Instagram. You can see my gallery and follow me, directly from my home page.  Freezing moments in time has become something I truly enjoy doing and I find it incredibly relaxing for me.  I snapped this picture of Emmett, who once again snuck into my bed. He brought along his glasses, tablet and Ms. Cleo the cat. This was just too precious to not share and so it's become my photo of the day.. 😀   


I’m fighting a stomach bug today

Emmett was up until almost 2 am and both Elliott and Emmett were awake by 5 am.  I'm dying right now because I'm exhausted and fighting off a stomach bug that has me trying not to puke.  It's going to be a really long day.  😒   

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EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS RELATIVE: If you’re a special needs parent, please read and share this

I want to be straight up and completely real here for a minute. Not that I do anything but that anyway. 😉 I love hearing from my readers, be it here or on Facebook, etc. Two of the things that I get asked quite a bit are the following. How in the world do I maintain my sanity? How do I not run out of patience with my kids and their challenging behavior? These questions are usually preempted by something like I only have one child with Autism or SPD or ADHD or Anxiety, and I struggle.     Something that's really important to understand is that every single situation is different. Everyone is facing unique challenges, and we all have different thresholds for things. I don't have any super powers…


The boys and I had a little mission today

My parents are taking care of a relative who's having some health issues today and asked if the boys and I would stop by and take care of the dog. My cousin is living there now but was going to be at work. After lunch, the boys and I went to go let Bailey outside and give him something to eat.  I never liked Bailey for some reason but since their other dog died a couple of years ago, he's really grown on me.  Bailey's getting old and doesn't like to be alone, even for a little while so we decided to take him for a walk before we left. He had fun and so did the boys. I'm trying to instill a sense of responsibility in my kids. Helping…

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The return of Gavin’s meltdowns

Gavin's really starting to struggle once again. Behaviorally he's doing quite well but his level of function is declining and it's not hard to notice. He's not hearing the thing s that are being said to him and his threshold for frustration is extremely low at this point. That means that he get frustrated very easily.  As an example of what I mean.  Gavin was wiggling back and forth on the couch. This is basically his version of the potty dance. I simply asked him if he needed to use the bathroom and he jumped up and got very upset.     He made his body very stir and started bending his fingers back to the point where I'm amazed he didn't snap them off. Then of course, there's the stomping…


Describe what sleep means to you in one sentence

I thought this might be kinda fun to do.  Regardless of your walk in life, we all ace experience with this little thing called sleep. I simply want you to tell me what sleep means to you and do so in only one sentence. Leave your answer below in the comments or comment on the The Autism Dad fan page.  Let's see what we all have to say about what sleep means...😀