The Autism Dad Origin Story

UPDATE: Our journey has changed once again and you can read about that here. As I'm slowly rebuilding my readership, traffic and reach on this new blogging journey, I thought it would be helpful to share why write about my life. It's new information for some and a reminder for others. If you've been a reader since Lost and Tired, there have been some changes, but my writing should still be largely recognizable. Part of me hated to walk away from what I'd built with Lost and Tired over the past 6 years, but part of me feels a sense of relief and excitement. Lost and Tired was the real life story of two parents raising three special needs kids. It was raw, gritty but beautiful and inspiring at the…


What I’m looking forward to the most as my kids go back to school

With my kids returning to school on September 1st, there are a few things that I'm looking forward to. Honestly, I'll miss them but to say that I desperately need a break would be a gross understatement.  This has been my very first summer as a full time single parent and it's been a lot of things but easy hasn't been one of them. I've struggled in many areas but one of the toughest has been my battle with depression. This has been an on again off again battle since I was a teenager but I was doing pretty well. Unfortunately, divorce can put people into a tailspin and I'm no exception.  Nothing went as I had planned this summer and we basically just survived. Truth be told, that in-and-of-itself is…


Today’s Victory: A Few Moments of Peace

As difficult as Saturday was, we weren't without our little victories..  As I mentioned in the previous post, Emmett really struggled today and there wasn't much I could do to provide him comfort and relief.  I was able to keep him distracted for a little while by playing Minecraft together. We just sorta snuggled on the couch and he would join my Minecraft world. 😀 It brought him a little bit of peace and it's honestly really fun.. I'm tossing this into the win column.   


It’s tough to have your child scream at you :(

It's been a really long and emotional day. This flare that Emmett's enduring right now is really kicking his butt.  He's started biting his upper and lower lips today and so now he's got these red sores that almost look like chapped lips but I'm not sure that's what they are.  Anyway, today has been spent trying to make him comfortable.... Advil and numbing cream on his lips and Oragel for the sores in his mouth. Thankfully, it looks like he only has one so far but honestly, one is enough.     I did get him to eat a little bit of Mac and Cheese but he really hasn't been hungry today.  It should go without saying that he's been rather grumpy and by grumpy, I mean he screamed at…


What you don’t know about special needs parenting but probably should

This post has a very special purpose. It focuses solely on the challenges of being special needs parent. As special needs parents, we all know that the challenges are well worth it and there are many positive as well but the goal here is to help the rest of the world better understand what we go through as parents.  One of the toughest parts of being a special needs parent is trying to get others to understand even a small percentage of what daily life is like for families with special needs children. It doesn't matter if it's Autism, Downs Syndrome, ADHD, SPD or anything else. As a parent, your life is impacted in ways most can't even begin to understand. There's no such thing as a level playing field…


Emmett could use some thoughts and prayers tonight

Poor Emmett. He just can't seem to catch a break anymore.  For those who aren't aware, Emmett's been dealing with a rear fever disorder known as PFAPA. I'm gonna let you follow the link and read about it yourself because I'm really tired and only have a few minutes.  It appeared as though Emmett had outgrown this disorder because the cycles just sorta stopped or at least the most obvious symptoms did.  While he spent most of last year pain free, the cycles have once again reared their ugly head.  Emmett finished a cycle about two weeks ago and has began another one today, right on schedule. 😔 He's absolutely miserable.    The above image shows what these mouth sores look like.  As the 10 day cycle progresses, these sores…

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I’m so grateful my kids let me rest this afternoon

I'm so grateful to the boys for letting me nap a little bit this afternoon. I haven't been feeling well since I got up this morning. I don't know if it's something I ate or if it's a stomach bug but I've been really nauseous and I can't get rid of this headache.  For the most part, the kids have been great.  Emmett's entered into another fever flare and so he's hardly eaten anything today because his mouth hurts too bad.  He's really sporting a short fuse at this point but I certainly can't blame him. He's got to be absolutely miserable.  I'll write more about the flares in another post later on but the whole point is that all things considered, the boys have done really well today. I'm…


I’m really close to losing our house

I suppose the title says it all.  I'm pretty close to losing our house and the reason I'm sharing this is because it had an impact on a really tough decision I made today.. Anyone that truly knows me knows that I take my family very seriously. It's my responsibility to provide for them and no one else's. My goal is to be as physically and financially independent as humanly possible. That's always been my goal.  I was able to meet that goal for long time, until I got hurt and things slowly unraveled from there but that's really kind of irrelevant at this point.     Once upon a time, I would have been more upfront about this because I believe that I'm far from the only special needs family…