10 Things my Autistic kids wished you knew

Written by me, Rob Gorski and dedicated to my amazingly beautiful children.  1. I’m sorry I have meltdowns but I’m not a spoiled brat. I’m just so much younger on the inside than I am on the outside. 2. I’m easily overwhelmed because I see and hear everything. I hear the lights hum and clock tick. Everything is so loud it makes my head hurt all the time and my eyes hurt from all the bright lights.   3. I’m not stupid, I’m actually very smart. I just don’t learn the way you want me to. Please learn about Autism so you know how to help me better understand what you are trying to teach. 4. Please don’t be mad at mommy and daddy because we don’t come over for holidays or…


Emmett’s new glasses are finally ready 

The boys are in their way home and before they even walk into the house, I'm going to stick them in the car.  Emmett's new glasses are finally ready and rather than have him ask me a billion times, I figured we will just head straight there the moment they arrive home.  I'm hoping this will set the tone for the weekend and he will be able to ride the high of getting his new glasses until Monday morning. 😎   


The boys are gone for the night but I’m not able to relax

I had this really nice post all planned out. The boys are at their Moms until noon on Saturday and the house is quiet as a result.  Rather than use this time to relax, I can't stop thinking about Maggie.  She goes in for surgery next Thursday to remove a tumor that has the vet very concerned. I haven't said anything to the boys yet and I'm not sure when I will.     I'll only be able to hide this from them for so long because they will have to go with me to drop her off for the surgery. They'll see the stitches and the fact that Maggie will have on the cone of shame for a few days.  I can't help but worry about everything because if this…


My son with #Autism read chapters one and two of the new book he’s writing :)

This was broadcast earlier this morning on Periscope. You can follow me on Periscope and catch my love broadcasts at @the_autism_dad. The videos remain their for 24 hours before they are automatically removed. You can catch replays by visiting my Videos page. Here's Gavin reading chapter one and two of his new book, A Journey To Another Universe. ❤️❤️😀😀👍👍 http://youtu.be/p0pf_1zX5l8


It doesn’t look like good news

Just got back from the vet with Maggie and it's not very good news.  On the positive side, the lump on her chest is just a fatty cyst and is of no concern. The lum on her right leg is a different story all together.  The bet said that it's hard like a rock, attached to somethings internally and growing rapidly.  She explained that it needs removed right away. Right away turns out to be next Thursday morning.     They will put her under the knife in the morning and remove the tumor. Once removed, they will decide if it's going to need a biopsy or not.  If it does need a biopsy, they will let me know and I'll need to approve the additional cost.  Gavin went with me…


I’m worried our dog might have cancer

Our dog Maggie goes in to see the vet in about 30 minutes because she's got a growth on her leg. This thing on her leg is getting larger and it feels like a rock under her skin.  I know the rule of thumb is that if it's soft and squishy it's likely okay.  What she has on her leg is most definitely not soft or squishy. She does have one on her chest as well and that's more soft and squishy.  I want to do this without the boys because worrying about something like this is the last thing they need to carry around with them.  Please keep Maggie in your thoughts as I will get some idea of what we're possibly dealing with in the next hour or…


It’s one of those mornings where I’m totally dragging but here’s what I’m doing about it 

It's the end of yet another week and I'm ready for it to be over.   The boys went off to school relatively easily and I'll be getting my walk in this morning, although I don't even come close to feeling up to it.  I didn't sleep well last night and so I'm really dragging this morning.  My goal is to really push through the next 3.1 miles and gain some much needed energy to finish the rest of the day with. 😀   


Being an #Autism parent is very rewarding but it’s also kicking my ass lately

The boys went to bed tonight without a problem. I'm going to be visiting my bed in just a little bit but I'm not quite ready yet.  While I was putting him to bed tonight, Emmett said he doesn't want to go to school in the morning. I'm truly praying that we aren't already going down the I don't want to go to school today because my tummy hurts road already..    It's so hard to figure out what's going on with him because it's not easy for him to share how's he's feeling and if I ask him, he gets really upset. Absolutely nothing comes easy and I'm just trying to get my kids through the day, so we can end up doing it all over again the next. …