Autism Parents: Did you know it’s okay to feel overwhelmed
Please take a second to read and share these words of encouragement.
Please take a second to read and share these words of encouragement.
The last time I showed you this, it looked very different.. Here's what the nightstand looks like now that I'm keeping up with things a tiny bit better.
What lengths do you go to provide your child with #Autism the tools he/she needs to be comfortable?
This #Autism Dad has put himself in timeout. As weird as it sounds, sometimes it's necessary to remove yourself from a situation, in order to not go insane and maintain a proper perspective..
My kids are driving me crazy but here's what I'm doing to cope
I'm hoping to replicate this at home for Emmett. Check this out and tell me if you think your kids would benefit from this as well
This isn't about bashing the boys Mother. If it was, this post would have gone a way different direction. I'm constantly being told that I'm too nice or too accommodating. I've always been this way and the fact that we are no longer together, isn't going to change who I am. At the same time, at some point I have to draw a line