ABSOLUTELY AMAZING Doctors Appointment: You’ve got to see what happened today

Let me start off by saying that this will be a two-part post.  There's simply too much to squeeze into one.  This has been one of those days where exhaustion isn't quite the right word to use in describe how tired I am. I'm completely spent, body, mind, and soul. Today was our trip to Cleveland because Elliott, Emmett, and Gavin all had appointments with allergy and immunology. These were all basically follow-ups but Emmett was added to the schedule at the last minute because of the fever issues he's been having. It was a very long drive but the boys did really well.  I'm super proud of them. That's not to say that they didn't wear me out and drive me nuts but I'm proud of them nonetheless.  ☺…

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The 33 Best Autism Memes of All Time

On days when things are really challenging, I really try to see the positive or at the very least, maintain a sense of humor. There are times when I read a quote or stumble across an Autism meme and it can really improve my mood. With that in mind, I wanted to share the 33 best Autism memes of all time. That's just me opinion anyway.


Here’s what a family therapy session looks like for myself and the boys

Today was a mishmash of many different things.  All the therapies from today were canceled as a result of Emmett's fever.  Dr. Pattie is a bit different, and so we made it to that. She's known Emmett since before he was born and understands about the fevers. I suppose the main focus of this post will be on the therapy session with Dr. Pattie. It has occurred to me that in all the years I've been writing, I've never really talked about what happens during on of these therapy sessions.  Frankly, we've been going every week since before Elliott or Emmett was born and so it's become just one of those things I rarely think much about because I'm so used to it. When the boys and I arrive, we usually…