Being a Dad isn’t easy
Anyone who says that being a Dad is easy, probably doesn't have any kids of their own........
Anyone who says that being a Dad is easy, probably doesn't have any kids of their own........
No one likes to see their kids crying. It's especially difficult when you have to watch from a distance. A million things go through your head when you don't know what's causing your child's distress.. Here's why Elliott was so upset at school today...
I hate seeing my kids in distress and sometimes the right thing to do is the thing that doesn't feel right
Come check out Emmett's latest artistic masterpiece.....
Sometimes I feel like ADHD is more challenging for me as a parent and here's why.....
I don't know how to really describe today because it was a rough one. Being an Autism Dad for as long as I have, one would think that I would eventually find things getting easier, rather than harder but on days like today, I'm jot sure that's the case. It was like the Universe was conspiring against me at every turn today. Getting the boys to school proved to be extremely challenging because Emmett misplaced his water shoes, after wearing them to school on Monday for the first time in ages. I couldn't put him in his tennis shoes because we had taken the insoles out and put them into his water shoes. These are custom made inserts, made specifically for him and there is zero chance he'd wear shoes…
Stop by for a chance to win a pair of the coolest pair of wireless headphones, I've ever used.... ☺
".... What people don't realize is that if I allowed them to get their way, it would never stop. My kids generalize the shit out of everything and if they think they can push me until I give in, I will never see the end of it......"