Read more about the article Martial Arts Compilation 1
Martial Arts Compilation

Martial Arts Compilation 1

[igp-video src="" poster="" size="large"] Martial Arts Compilation Check Out My Instagram Feed

Read more about the article Emmett’s having such a very hard time right now
Emmett's having such a very hard time right now 😕 It's so easy to forget that just because a child with Autism can speak, doesn't mean they have the ability to express themselves. Emmett has a very, very advanced vocabulary but very, very limited expressive language skills. On days like today where it feels like we're living from one meltdown to the next, I'm reminded of this challenge. My sweet Emmett is not gifted in the ways of expressing his feelings or frustrations with words and indoor voices. Asking him what's wrong will not provide me with anything that can help me better understand what's bothering him. I instead have to follow the breadcrumb trail of behavioral changes and try and decode them.

Emmett’s having such a very hard time right now

Decoding my son with #Autism

Read more about the article Fun at our Memorial Day family cookout 
Fun at our Memorial Day family cookout My nephew brought his hover board thing to out family cook out today. Everyone was taking turns, trying not to kill themselves on it. Emmett took a turn as well and had a ton of fun...

Fun at our Memorial Day family cookout 

Here's a little random video from our weekend fun... ☺