So this is what my day will look like

The kids don't have school today and that means less distraction for me. At the same time, that means less distraction for them as well. Unfortunately, that also means I'm going to have to run interference because they're likely to get on each other's nerves. I need to accomplish a couple of things today and one of those things is getting today's episode up on time. That means I'll be staring at this screen for the next couple of hours. I really enjoyed this weeks conversation and should have it ready for your ears later today. The other thing I have to do is mulch the goddamn leaves again. It's only like the 4th time this week. I'd say about 90% of the leaves are down and so this should…


When it comes to remote learning, my youngest is out of shits to give

It's been a frustrating day for me and if there was a circus nearby, I might have just run away and joined it. The day started out rough and it just went downhill from there. Actually, it was a rough night prior because Emmett struggled to sleep and literally glued himself to me and that pretty much killed any hopes of me finding sleep. The boys did great in class today. Good for them, I'm very proud. Emmett is struggling a bit with what amounts to the remote learning version of homework. He keeps falling behind and it's clear that remote learning is a struggle for him. It's frustrating for me because I know this isn't what he normally does and trying to constantly stay on him about it, without…


You Need To Know These Travel Hacks If You’re A Single Parent

As a single parent, you don’t want to ignore or avoid the traditional things that families do, such as traveling. The problem is, going on a family vacation with two parents is challenging. Doing it by your lonesome is going to be as stressful as it is relaxing. So, you might not view it as something you want to do for a while. Pixabay - CC0 Licence That’s okay because not every family is desperate for a holiday. However, a break is an excellent way to recharge your batteries and have fun and bond as a group. Therefore, if unsure, you should recognize that the pros outweigh the cons. Plus, while there are obstacles, it is possible to enjoy an incredible vacation without the hassle. All you need to do…


I think my #autistic son is messing with me but I’m not sure

My oldest Gavin, is driving me crazy today. I know, it must be a Tuesday. This is a new behavior and I'm not sure what the fuck is happening or why. I've shared over the years that Gavin narrates his life. If he thinks it, oftentimes he says it out loud. You can't shut the kid up and he drives everyone nuts. I get that many of you out there might have nonverbal kids and you may be offended by my frustration. Please know that having raised both verbal, and nonverbal kids, I get it. There are also major challenges when our kids are verbal as well. Anyway, Gavin has started whispering instead of talking. Lately, he's talking so quietly that I can't make out what he's saying and yet…


We pretty much kicked ass today

It's been a pretty amazing day here in The Autism Dad house and I don't say that very often. The first day of Emmett's new schedule went off without much of a hitch. He did pretty good and I'm proud of him. Tomorrow will be the test because normally, he wouldn't have any classes, as it would be an off day. This will be a test. Anyway, the car is back. That's right. It only took 4 or 5 weeks but she's looking good. Big thanks to my Mom for helping me get there. It was the safest approach because while they don't quarantine, they do take this very seriously. Masks on and windows down for a 5 minute drive. Thanks Mom. ☺ ♥ Can't wait until February when I…

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My #autistic son is such an inspiration to me

I know not everyone will get this and that's okay. I also know that many of you will celebrate with me because you understand the significance of what I'm about to say. For those who are unable to relate, I hope this provides a bit of insight into the challenges kids on the autism spectrum can deal with on the daily. Mr. Emmett is a character. There's no two ways about it. He's so full of personality and life that frankly, it can be a bit overwhelming for me at times. He has an infectious smile and a belly laugh that will melt your heart. At just 12 years old, he's one of the smartest people I've ever met in my life. We're talking scary smart. Like, as his Dad,…


I can’t think of a fucking title for this

I've accomplished a whole lot of nothing today. I know that I probably should care or at least feel a little guilty but I don't. I mean, I spent some time with my kids and did actually mulch the leaves again. I suppose that's my claim to fame for the moment and I'm cool with that. This week should be quite interesting because I'm scheduled to record my final interview for season 3 of the pod and I'll wrap things up with 40 episodes. That's actually quite an accomplishment and the pod continues to grow every week. Anyway, I have a few episodes left in post but nothing new scheduled after this week. I'm kinda excited about that. The timing is perfect because Emmett's new school schedule starts this week…


Life is so fucking exhausting anymore

It's been a few days folks and I apologize for that. Ohio is worse than it's ever been in regards to COVID and we're clocking over 4,000 cases a day now. It's really stressful trying to manage this alone but it has to get done. I'm fucking exhausted but holding on for now. I'm working on making sure we have enough basic supplies to last us a little while. No, I'm not talking about hoarding. I'm simply making sure we have what we need to make it through a very challenging winter. I've been working as much as I can but to be completely honest, it's difficult to focus right now. For the most part, I make my own hours but some jobs have deadlines. The rest of the time…