Emmett had a root canal and metal cap installed today :(
Poor Emmett had a difficult morning but be did so amazingly well
Poor Emmett had a difficult morning but be did so amazingly well
There was a huge fight this morning and it wasn't a great way to begin the day
I got behind on his dentist visits over the last two years and I totally own that. I did the best I could but I guess my best wasn't good enough. I failed him and I won't do that again.
We experienced a lot of physical and emotional challenges today. Here's what happened.
This has been a labor of love. It’s taken a very long time but we’ve finally reached a new phase in the development process of our GPS tracking technology and would like to involve some of the community, to help ensure that we will meet your needs.
I'm not happy about not being able to make it to the Cleveland Clinic today but what we gained in exchange, is pretty awesome..
It's been a trying day for me personally. I was reunited with some of Lizze's family, I hadn't seen in almost 2 years.
I had to make an executive decision this afternoon and it's one I didn't want to have to make.