A rough start to the day but it ends very differently
The way our day ended was way better than it began
The way our day ended was way better than it began
"Emmett had surrounded himself with pillows and wrapped himself in my blanket. Only his precious little head, sporting the glasses he never takes off, was showing."
When I'm asked to provide a single piece of advice to newly initiated #Autism Parents, today's Quote of The Day is what I've been telling parents for almost a decade...and it's still as true now as it was back then... ☺ Image Credit: www.thefate.org
Please stop by and wish Emmett a very Happy Birthday ☺
Please stop by my blog and add your thoughts to the comments. I'm hoping to learn from how you handle situations in your life. I'd also like posts like this to be a reference for families, so they can point people in their lives who don't understand, to a post like this and they can see how many other families are facing the same challenges... Maybe it will help friends and loved ones to finally "get it"
By liking and sharing this post, you can help to educate the public as to what they should and shouldn't do/say to a special needs family...
We all know or should know that meltdowns are exhausting for our kids with #Autism but do you know how meltdowns impact the parent?
We all know that Emmett had an emergency dentist appointment and here's how it all went.