Feeling quite overwhelmed by my three kids on the #Autism Spectrum today and here’s why

The boys are out of control today.  It's like every single one of their proclivities are in full affect. I'd swear it was a full moon and I don't even know if I believe that the Moon can impact people in that manner. Gavin is off fighting a battle in another Universe and he seems to have been victorious because he was super excited to share that he had successfully removed the device from within Social.  Eggman and Zurg had planted this device in Sonic when they had him as a prisoner. Anyway, it's taken weeks for Gavin to figure out how to remove this device without killing Sonic.  Thankfully, he was able to remove it using the sacred song of the Gods of Mobious. If you are asking yourself…


It’s a really big day for Emmett

As the title states, it's a really big day for Emmett. Today is the last day of his Functional Independence Group at Akron Children's Hospital. I'm really hoping that they decide to either extend this or offer a continuation down the road. Emmett loves this group and I know he's going to be sad that it's over. This should however, signal his return to Occupational Therapy every other week. He's also supposed to be reevaluated for Physical Therapy before school starts as well.  If you recall, he had met all his goals for Physical Therapy and as a result, he was taken off the schedule for the summer.  The idea behind this was to get a feel for what happens to the progress he's made, after no longer get being…


Two months after my wife moved back home

I wanted to do a general update and share how things are going, since Lizze moved back home.  It's been roughly two months since we decided to put our family back together and it's been a journey.  When I say journey, I don't mean to infer anything negative.  Anytime your life takes a new direction, it's a journey.   Since the last time I spoke about this specifically, another month has passed and we've had even more time to sorta transition into this new family dynamic.  Overall, I think everyone is doing really well with this significant life change.   I think that the change is hardest on Lizze and at times, she's overwhelmed by all the little blessings in our life.  I can imagine the difficulty in going from…


I just realized something today and it scared the shit out of me

With school starting back up in 23 days, I just realized that we are going to have a pretty big problem. Since June 8th of this year, Emmett hasn't worn socks and has absolutely no tolerance for them. Every pair of socks I've bought for him, no longer feel okay and now I can't find anything that he'll wear. I have no idea what we're going to do because he has to wear socks while in school. All he wears now are flip flops and he's begging to be home schooled so he won't have to wear socks. Socks won't be the only issue because he hasn't worn shoes in just as long either. Unfortunately, we have even less time than normal because school starts almost three weeks sooner this…


This is going to be a very unusual week for us

We're looking at a really unusual week ahead of us. For the first time in forever, we only have one therapy session to be at this week and that's Emmett's Functional Independence Group at Akron Children's Hospital. Dr. Pattie is out of town all week and so we don't have anything with her. There's only been a few times over the last decade or so, that we haven't seen her at least once every week. This is going to be really weird for all of us. It's honestly going to be a quiet week and I'm planning on enjoying that because the summer is going to be ending for us, much sooner than expected..  More on that later. We have always managed to either have a shitload of appointments or…


Neurodevelopment and the Scientific Link to Autism

Disclaimer: Sponsored posts do not necessarily reflect my personal beliefs.  Neurodevelopment and the Scientific Link to Autism It’s been a few years now since the amazing discoveries made by the New Jersey based think tank The Center for Modeling Optimal Outcomes®, LLC. During their research into the field of neuroscience they inadvertently stumbled upon a scientific link to autism as discussed here. What’s astonishing is the overall lack of effort made towards implementing any plans to investigate this matter further on part of the health and pharmaceutical industries. The best we can do is circulate the information we know. So what was essentially discovered was the similarity in patterns between the cascade of hormones originating in the hypothalamus and various other neurohormones and neurotransmitters. This recognition revealed a step by step, repeatable…


The last three days have been chaotic and stressful

I having a really hard time getting back I to the swing of things after this weekend. I'm so tired but have to keep moving for now.   Having put the rebuild the front steps project behind me, I'm really hoping to get back writing on a regular basis because I was majorly gaining ground on this site and that's something I truly strive for.   The last three days or so have been pretty chaotic and stressful.  While we've gotten a great many things accomplished and visited out of town loved ones, it still took its toll.   As dumb as it may sound, when I don't have a chance to write, I have a much more difficult time coping with life.  There are a bunch of changes to…


Gavin’s had a really rough day

Gavin's had a tough day and probably not for the reasons you're thinking. Behaviorally, Gavin's been an angel for the most part and we couldn't ask for more.  Unfortunately, the things that have been a problem today are more health related. Gavin's had stomach aches, on and off all day long.  There's nothing that seems to be an obvious cause but he was definitely hurting. About mid-afternoon, we went to visit my Grandmother.  She lives about 90 minutes away and at the time, Gavin was doing fine.  He was excited about going and said that he felt fine.  If he hadn't, I wouldn't have suggested making the trip. A few minutes before we left, Gavin approached me like he was a secret agent and sought permission for his friends to…