How do you feel about Toni Braxton claiming her son is no longer Autistic? 

​I don't get why people are so defensive of Toni Braxton's announcement that her son is no longer on the Autism Spectrum. Autism cannot be cured. That's not just my opinion but instead a medical fact. I don't really care if she actually said he was cured or if she simply said he's off the spectrum.  The only two ways off the Autism Spectrum is a cure, which doesn't exist or death. Not to sound too dramatic but there's a reason they say Autism is a lifelong condition.   If the reality is that Autism cannot be cured, then how is her son no longer Autistic? Either she simply no longer considers him to be on the spectrum, which is her biased opinion or he was misdiagnosed in the first…


In the market for Melatonin? Amazon’s got a sweet deal

This is not a paid endorsement in any way.  I'm simply letting you know of about the deal I just got in Amazon.  We were out of Melatonin and when I go to Walgreens buy more, it's really expensive. Depending on when we get it, it could be $12/bottle for the exact same brand/dose/amount. I looked on Amazon and found this deal.... This is what arrived today and I paid a total of $11.00. It's the exact same stuff we buy at the pharmacy but for half the price. Click the link above to check it out on Amazon.  Again, I have no stake in this but I know how expensive Melatonin can be and how vital it is for families like mine.  Hope this helps someone... ☺️


I can’t really complain about that can I

Last night was a rough one because we were out of melatonin and that's a recipe for no sleep.   Thankfully, Elliott was able to fall asleep but Emmett was not so lucky. That means I wasn't so lucky either.   We ended up camping out in the living room and listening to music until about 2:30am. He finally fell asleep and so did I but it doesn't feel like I got any sleep.   Despite that, I'm feeling pretty good and all the kids are actually getting along today.  I can't really complain about that can I. ☺ 


As #Autism parents, it’s so important to take care of ourselves and here’s why

One of the things that my wife and I learned from our separation was that we had become so wrapped up in the care of our three children with Autism, that we neglected ourselves. It's so easy to get caught up in the routine of taking care of our demanding children and their seemingly endless list of special needs, that we very often forget to take care of ourselves. If I'm to be completely honest with you, this is something that we're still struggling with a bit. Trying to find the time to spend on ourselves without staying up all hours of the night, especially if the kids are actually sleeping, is not easy.  It can be so difficult that it's much easier to just give up and forget about…


Happy Birthday to my Father-in-law 

In a rare occurrence, Lizze was able to corral the kids and get them in the same place, at the same time.  The purpose was to wish their Grandpa a happy birthday.   Mission accomplished.   All three of the kids were present and accounted for, just long enough to say happy birthday over the phone. The second they were done, they scattered in their own direction and went back to bouncing off the walls.  It's hard enough to get kids in general to cooperate for something like this, let alone three with Autism and ADHD...  ☺ 


Toni Braxton now claims her son is cured of #Autism and here’s why that’s total BULLSHIT

You may have read that Toni Braxton is now claiming that her son with Autism is no longer Autistic because he's been cured.  This is the same woman who thinks her son was born Autistic because God was punishing her for having an abortion many years ago I have replied to anything goes like this in a really long time but this latest statement is absolutely bullshit. Don't get me wrong, if her son is doing better, that's awesome and I'm happy for them both. As a parent, I feel happy for her because it's so hard to see your child struggle with life. That being said, this is still bullshit and here's why. Let's get this little turd out of the way first..  Having a child with Autism is not a…


Is anyone else nervous about the transition back to school? If so why? 

As the end of summer quickly approaches, I find myself apprehensive about the transition back to school.  I think Elliott will be okay but I'm really afraid of how this is going to go for Emmett.   All summer, Emmett has not worn anything on his feet but flip flops.   He will not wear socks period.  Even the ones I've had success with in the recent past, no longer feel right on his tiny little, sensitive feet.   I have no idea who this is going to work because Emmett hasn't even worn shoes since the last day of school.  He's not tolerating those either. I can't afford to buy him another new pair of shoes, only to have them feel funny after a couple of days.   This…


The boys are having a really hard time sleeping tonight

Lizze and I were getting ready to go to bed around midnight, when Elliott walks down the stairs in a daze.  He's hungry and wants something to eat.  Before we have a chance to even answer him, Emmett comes dancing down the steps with a level of energy that should be straight up illegal at this time of day.  Elliott had been sleeping and woke up.  Emmett on the other hand, never fell asleep.   I figured the best chance of anyone getting sleep was to camp out in the living room.   It took a bit to get them to fall asleep but Lizze rubbed their backs and they were relaxed enough to lay down.  I played music and they both eventually feel asleep but it's already 2:30am...  Now…