Meltdowns over Minecraft

The boys have really become obsessed with Minecraft lately.  They've always loved playing Minecraft but lately, their very focused on building their world's.  I suspect that it maybe has to do with having some control over things.   I get that it's fun to play an all but I feel like this go a bit beyond that.  I mean, I love playing Minecraft myself.  The problem is that they've discovered mods and texture packs. This is leading to so many problems because the mods end up breaking the game and leading to meltdowns. I've lost count of how many times I've told them not to mess with these things but they compulsively do anyway and never seem to learn.  I just had to go through Emmett's tablet and remove them…


It’s time for the bad news

Having shared the good news in the previous post, unfortunately, that leaves only the bad news to share.  That centers around the fact that it will be early next week before we see the gas turned back on.  Apparently, the medical certificate is still processing and since they don't work on the weekend, we have to wait until really newest week.  While this definitely sucks for a number of reasons, we certainly aren't relying on it to heat the house.   This will also make cooking a challenge but we still have a toaster over and the air fryer, with which to prepare meals. Having said that, when isn't making meals for my kids a challenge?  All we can do is make the best of a bad situation. Freaking out…


Here’s the good news

There's many times that what I have to share is a good news/bad news kinda thing.  Today is no different I figured I'd start with the good news first and save the bad news for later because why not.  Gavin and I made a run to the grocery store yesterday afternoon.  We ended up going to Walmart after filling our water jugs.  Money's tight and we're behind on the mortgage and we already know that the gas was shut off two days ago.  Despite these things being important and I hate falling behind, we have to eat.   Gavin and I headed to Walmart with a very limited budget and we were able to do pretty well. I tried to focus on things that were on the short list of…


I feel like I just binge watched a months worth of meltdowns in one day

It was a really rough day with Mr. Emmett.  He was at the dentist this morning and did really well but it was a bumpy ride at first.  You can read about that here.  The rest of the day has been a series of one meltdown after another.   I've heard so much screaming today, that even though the house is quiet now, I can still hear it.   Emmett was in rare form today.  I know he was pushed over the edge this morning by the dentist and it just carried over for the rest of the day. Needless to say, the tone of the day was one of extreme unpleasantness.  Bedtime was an absolute nightmare.   I ended up sitting with him until he finally fell asleep.  Too bad…


I’m way too petered out to be doing this today

I'm feeling pretty petered out today. The appointment this morning with Emmett and then being up really late with Gavin, has just killed me.   In a little bit, I'm going to have to run to the grocery store because I'm assuming we're all going to want to eat dinner tonight.  If I don't go, I'm not sure that will be possible..  lol Gavin will probably want to go with me and I totally appreciate his wanting to help but I'm not sure I'll be able to deal with his nonstop talking. I'm definitely not up to talking a out his tablet let games right now.   That being said, I want to encourage his desire to help out and learn more about interacting with society because that will only…


The dentist didn’t go so well but Emmett was super brave

We just arrived home from today's dental thing with Emmett.  Big thanks to my Mom for watching the other two boys for us.  That was a huge help, especially with how this appointment ended up going.   Let me start by saying how brave Emmett was because he really was brave.   When we first went back, it was too much for him and he lost it.  We're talking massive, massive meltdown.  He was terrified and there was no consoling him.  All we could do was hold his hands and reassure him that things were going to be okay.  When it came to getting prepped, he had to be held down to be numbed up and once that was done, he handled everything else like a champ.  ☺  The doctor…


Dear God, Please let this go well

We arrived at the dentist and Emmett's tummy is upset.  He says he's not nervous but I think it's probably nerves.   We got hit with a big detour but we ended making it a few minutes early anyway.  I thought for sure we were going to be late but we still made good time.   I'm really hoping that this is a quick procedure because Emmett's not appearing to be in a good place to cope with a great deal of stress.  


Emmett has his final dental procedure today

Today, Lizze and I will be taking Emmett for his forth and final dental procedure.  After today, he'll be good to go.  I'll be so glad when all this is done and I hope that we can keep from chewing on things that will damage his teeth again.  My Mom will be hanging out with the the other boys while we're gone.   It shouldn't be too too bad because what he has left is far less than he's already had done.   Emmett usually does really well and I'm hoping that tomorrow is no exception.