This is what @vivintgivesback enables me to do

I was talking the other day about Gavin's bad reaction to his IVIG infusion. He got sick and I needed to be able to keep an eye on him without being in the same room.   Thanks to the Vivint Gives Back project, I've been able to provide my family with some amazing technology, that not only helps to keep us safe but also promotes peace of mind for both my wife and myself.   The picture above is an example of what I'm talking about.   I had mentioned in a previous post, that I was going to leave my tablet on, with the Vivint app running.  This provided me with a live feed into Gavin's room, so I could monitor him from my room.   I also setup an alert…


Today will mark a major milestone in our new journey as a reunited family

There's a cookout at my parents house today and it was at Lizze's request.  She's worried that the awkwardness won't be gone and it will make ruin Thanksgiving.  This will be the first time Lizze and my siblings will be in the same room since she left.   The whole idea is to just get everyone together and try to break the ice, so to speak. This hasn't been an easy process and my hope is that we can finally begin to put this behind us and move forward as a family.   I'm looking forward to this but at the same time, I'm really nervous because I want this to go well.   We could use some positive through in our direction.  If you don't mind sending them our…


I could see the distress in his eyes and it broke my heart

I tried again tonight to get Emmett to fall asleep in his own bed but it didn't go well. Emmett will give us a reason for his not being able to fall asleep in his bed.  We've heard things like his cat won't leave him alone, it's too dark, his bed is too high or he's afraid of his bad dreams. He mentioned to Lizze that he likes her really soft, fuzzy blanket and that's why he sleeps in our bed. While Lizze was away with her Mom tonight, I gave one of those blankets to Emmett and told him that we could try the blanket in his bed and if it works, we'll get him his own. That lasted all of ten minutes. He came downstairs and I could…


We totally went Pokémon hunting because what else would we do

The boys and I went Pokémon hunting tonight.  Gavin came with us but didn't want to play.  We took a lap around the track and the boys caught a ton of Pokémon.  We walked a total of roughly two miles and by we I mean everyone. I didn't have to carry Emmett at all.  We had to take a few tiny breaks along the way but he did awesome, as did all the other boys.  It was a lot of fun and this was a great motivation for the boys because they can hatch they Pokémon eggs by walking get a set distance.  I got some exercise and so did the boys.  It was a great ending to a decent day..  ☺ 


I guess we’re going Pokémon hunting 

Lizze is going out with her Mom tonight and the boys and I have the house to ourselves.   The boys want to go hunting for Pokémon tonight and try and hatch some eggs by walking the track.   I'm hoping this will Tucker them out before going to bed tonight.   Wish me luck... 


Great News: Grocery shopping we did go

We were able to finally go grocery shopping today.  It's not as much as we really needed but I'm grateful for what we were able to do.Emmett went with me because he wanted to go along and help.  He also wanted to pick out hot chocolate and there's a story behind that. Last night, Elliott asked for hot chocolate and after he made it, Emmett decided that he wanted some as well.  Unfortunately, as well as because that's just the way life goes for us, Elliott had used the last packet.   Emmett, who'd already been struggling yesterday, lost it.   He had a massive meltdown and the only thing that eventually calmed him down, was the idea of going to the store with me and picking out a new…


It’s so hard to shutdown when you’re an #Autism parent  

I'm laying in bed at 2:30am, unable to sleep and it's really frustrating.   All I want to do during the day is just curl up in a ball on the floor and sleep but I can't. When I do get a chance to sleep, I lay here and can't shutdown.   It should be said that for Autism parents, it can be extremely difficult to shutdown, even though they desperately want to sleep.  That's something that I struggle with rather frequently myself.   There's so much adrenaline being pumped through my body during the day because of this constant state of hyper-vigilance, it just takes its toll. For many of us as well, we sleep with one eye open and an ear to the ground because we can never…


Gavin had a bad reaction to his IVIG infusion tonight because apparently, life isn’t challenging enough already 

As you know, Gavin receives IVIG infusions twice a week because he's living with a severely compromised immune system. The actual medication is called GAMMAGARD and it's basically made up of antibodies from many, many different donors. This replaces the defunct antibodies in Gavin's body, for a short period of time. He's been receiving these infusions for many years now and will continue for the rest of his life. Now we're all caught up and everyone is on the same page. Gavin received his IVIG infusion tonight and the infusion itself went well. The actual infusions themselves usually go well.  Sometimes we hit some snags but that's really the exception to the rule. What happened tonight was a bad reaction. It happens on occasion but it hasn't happened in a…