There’s been a change of plans

The boys just left and the house is really quiet. They won't be back until sometime tomorrow afternoon.  Lizze and I were originally going to make a trip to have dinner at P.F. Chang's, courtesy of my parents but it's already later in the day and frankly, we're both exhausted.  Instead, we're going to order our favorite pizza, snuggle on the couch and watch a movie.  We've decided to save P.F. Chang's for another time.  Perhaps while the boys are in school..  ☺  Anyway, today is much less about what we do or where we go and a great deal more about simply being together.  That's about it for now.  I've got some work to catchup on and a relaxing afternoon/evening ahead of me.  


What life is like three months after my wife moved home

I guess it's fitting to do an update on how life is going, since Lizze moved back home.  It's been almost three months now and frankly, the time has just flown by. The physical act of moving Lizze back into the house hasn't caused any significant issues for anyone, aside from the expected hiccups as a result of there simply being a change. Any type of change in a house full of Autism, is bound to create distress. That being said, the boys are happy and I mean all the boys, including Gavin.  That's probably been one of the biggest and most positive things to come out of this whole thing. Lizze and Gavin have a normal, healthy relationship now and that's incredibly positive. Lizze and I are doing really…


Words can’t describe how special today is

Today is a really special day and it's one that I know not everyone agrees with but that doesn't matter because I just don't care.  It was 13 years ago today, that Lizze and I were married.  Today is a day that I wasn't sure would ever be celebrated again but life has a way of bringing us what we need. It might not be on our time frame because sometimes things need to work themselves out on their own.  We're living proof that we control our own destiny and if we want something bad enough, we can do just about anything.  ☺  I'm so grateful for my wife.  Our lives are whole once again and today is a day of celebration and joy.   We have a great deal…


I’m so proud of my kids 

After picking the boys up from school, we had to hit the grocery store and pick up a few items.   Everyone did incredibly well and I'm so proud of them all.  There was no fighting or anything else that frequently happens while we're out and about.   This is a great way to head into what is the first three day weekend of the new school year.  Tomorrow is a special day and it's really nice to have this afternoon go so well because it helps to set the tone for tonight and tomorrow. 


I know something has to change but I feel bad doing it

Everyday I arrive at the school to pick up the boys.  I get there at 2pm because that's been the routine and it gives me some peace and quiet for an hour.  Everyday Gavin insists on coming with me.   He just sits in the passenger seat, listening to his music through his headphones.  The other thing he does is get up, buzz the front door of the school and use the bathroom.  He does this multiple times in the course of one hour.  If he doesn't  do this, he sits next to me doing the potty dance.  The potty dance is something that drives me crazy.  I know it's not his fault but it just bothers me for some reason.  We all have our little quirks.  I'm to the…


Up for most of the night with my Autistic kid again

Last night, as I was winding the day down, lying in bed and writing about my day, Elliott woke up.   There's no duplicit reason for it because he didn't have a bad dream or anything like that.  He simply woke up and couldn't go back to sleep.  He did try for close to an hour but with no luck.  He and I eventually moved to the living room, each claiming our favorite couch. It took hours for him to fall asleep and so I was up as well.   The morning came way too soon but he was cooperative and in good spirits, while I was hating the world and struggled to keep my eyes open.  I did grab a short nap while Gavin was sleeping off his morning…


Please keep Elliott’s friend in your thoughts and prayers 

I'm asking all my readers to please say a prayer or send positive thoughts for Elliott's friend at school. Elliott and Emmett are in a school for kids with Autism and other special needs.   We got a letter from the school yesterday, letting us know that the Mother of Elliott's friend, passed away suddenly.  I'm not quite sure the boys understand the finality of this situation.   This is a really tragic situation for obvious reasons and my heart goes out to his young friend and her family.   Losing a parent is never an easy thing for a child to cope with.  When you're dealing with a special needs child, it can even be tougher because sometimes it's much harder for them to understand.   Please keep this…


A major update about Elliott and homework 

First of all, I hate the idea of homework in general.  There's so much research out that that proves homework doesn't improve test scores at all.  I'm even less supportive of giving homework to kids with special needs.  There's several sides to this coin but the biggest things are pretty solid arguments in my book.   Frankly, I can see this from both sides and here's why.   I want my kids to reach whatever their potential is. I want them to be prepared for the real world, so they can function within to the best of their abilities. This requires that my kids be held to a reasonable standard.  Homework is something that they won't be able to escape in high school or college and practicing now is a…