My mood has soured today

I don't know why but my mood has gone straight down the crapper. I'm feeling very overwhelmed by life and all it requires of me. Nothing terrible has happened today and yet my mood is terrible.   Not that any parenting is easy because but Autism parenting is truly in a league of its own.   I've found over the last 15 years that when it comes to special needs kids, there's always something to worry about or stress over. Maybe that sounds dramatic but I think most parents in similar circumstance, would agree.   I think that I'm at a point where everything is just getting to me.  I'm feeling tired all the time and if given the chance, I would sleep all day. Maybe not all day but…


It’s off to speech therapy we go

Gavin and I are off to speech therapy. Lizze is staying behind because the boys will be getting dropped off by her Mom after school.  While today hasn't gone exactly as planned, we have made the best of it so far and I'm feeling good about that.   The rest of the day is going to be sorta rush rush because when Gavin's done with speech, we'll have time to eat dinner before having to head out for family therapy.  I will say that Tuesdays are by far, my most favorite day of the week.  ☺  


No walking today

Lizze and I went to go walking.  We soon realized that to do so would mean walking in the rain.  Neither of us were excited about that idea.  We ended up diverting to the store to grab a few things before returning home for lunch.   We'll just go tomorrow, right after taking the boys to school.   Frankly, I'm a little out of it right anyway, so this worked out okay. 


We have a very difficult decision to make about the education of our two little boys with #Autism

Lizze and I have been discussing something that makes me incredibly uncomfortable. While this is something I really don't even want to think about, as parents, I don't think we have much of a choice. The topic of concern is whether or not the boys are in the right school. I don't like this conversation because the idea of even thinking about moving the boys to a new school is something that terrifies me.  At the same time however, I've become more and more concerned that a move may be necessary. Let me say that I really like the staff and the school as a whole. I would recommend it to people who have kids that struggle in the public school system. The concern for us lies in whether or…


It’s been a pretty awesome morning 

Emmett was a little slow starting the day but he ended up doing pretty well.  He's still really stuffy and that's really tough for a sensory kid. That being said, I don't think we had a single issue this morning with anyone.   That's a pretty awesome way to begin the day.  ☺️


If I had hair, I’d be pulling it out

This week is going to be totally thrown off because of the holiday. I'll be a day off all week long and I'm sure it's going to cause a few hiccups.  ☺ While Emmett went to bed not feeling well and had a really tough time falling asleep, I'm hoping he'll be okay for school.  He had a tummy ache again but also some serious post nasal stuff going on and that always upsets his stomach. Thankfully, Elliott and Gavin seemed to be doing just fine when they went to bed. I have somewhat selfish reasons for really hoping the boys make it to school today and that's because I want to go walking.  Actually, Lizze and I both want to go walking.  We're trying to walk every day we…


Gavin’s IVIG infusion went pretty well and that’s a pleasant change 

Gavin's Monday IVIG infusion went pretty well. There weren't any side effects, other than leaving a rather nasty sore at one of the needle sites.  It sucks because it's painful but it's not a major issue. While it's not anything major, it takes forever to heal and I'm not sure what that's all about.  Gavin's currently sleeping and hasn't had any issues like he's gotten after his infusions lately. No headaches or nausea tonight and that means he just might sleep through the night.  That's something that I'm really grateful for.. ☺ 


We’re having a major problem with one of our ferrets

I talk about our ferrets all the time. They have been amazing for the kids and after a year, the boys spend time with them every single day.  The ferrets have been amazing at helping the boys better manage their stress and anxieties. They're adorable and really, really smart. I just didn't realize how smart they really are.   Skinny Lemme has been escaping from their pen recently and whole we hadn't witnessed her physically escaping, we notice she was out because she comes walking right up to us.  She craves attention.   Fat Tiny and Zane don't share the same desire to freely roam around the house at will.  They're content to wrestle each other or play in their rice box.   Today I was on the love-seat writing…