I can’t think of a title for this general update

Gavin's currently sleeping off his morning medications. Elliott and Emmett are extremely hyper and excitable today for some reason. Their tougher to manage this morning and I'm not sure why.  Lizze had a rough night and is taking a nap currently, hoping to feel better in a little while.   As for myself, I'm tired. That's nothing new. Last night I really struggled to sleep because my left leg was restless. It was driving me crazy and I ended up on the couch....   That pretty much sums up my day thus far.   It's gorgeous outside right now and I'm thinking it might be a good day to hunt Pokémon......... 


Things started to look very bad for Gavin until this happened 

I have to give props to Gavin today and here's why.   Lizze was powering through our many laundry baskets of clothes that needed to be folded, sorted and put away this afternoon. Each of the boys took their clothes and put them away.   Gavin apparently ran out of room in his main dresser and didn't know what to. I told him to empty out his whites drawer and move them to one of the drawers in the empty dresser that resides in his closet.   He didn't seem to like that idea because he was afraid he would forget that his socks and stuff would be in the dresser inside his closet and he wouldn't be able to find clean clothes.   Frankly, I don't know if that…


A sometimes politically incorrect open letter about #Autism Parenting 

Going into this post, please know that I truly understand that every parent faces challenge and struggle. Parenting isn't easy and that should go without saying.  When I speak about the unique challenges facing Autism parents, it's not meant to invalidate the difficulties associated with everyday parenting. At the same time, just as it's important to understand that parenting in general isn't easy, it's important to understand that Autism parenting is something all together different. Something that's gotten under my skin a bit recently, is the way some people have reacted to my mentioning of taking a nap on some days. I'm not sure why anyone would care about that but clearly it's rubbing some people the wrong way. I've decided that I'm going to share a few thoughts I…


No alone time for me today but that’s okay

Gavin and I are at the school, waiting for the boys to come out the doors.  I don't really know why Gavin wants to come along, especially with his bladder issues but I don't mind the rare silence of company right now. He's listening to his music and doing the potty dance but not talking up a storm.  We've been here six minutes and he's currently making his first trip to the bathroom. 🙁 I wish I knew how to help him but there isn't anything we can do right now. It's not an infection but instead it's most likely a side effect from when he was off the Clozapine for a few days before restarting after we got script fixed.  Clozapine is dangerous the first time you start it…


It’s been a pretty great day so far because it was bound to happen 

No one was super motivated this morning. The boys were hoping for another day off of school and frankly, so was I. It took a little bit to get them moving this morning but they did pretty well.   Lizze is having a tough time moving around this morning, courtesy of the storm front that moved in last night.  Mr. Emmett went to school with his crocks on but no socks. It wasn't worth the battle today. We called the school and they were cool with it, so Emmett went to school feeling more comfortable than usual.  Elliott went to school having completed all his homework and I know he felt good about that. To be honest, I felt pretty good about it as well.   On the way home…


It was a rough day but a day filled with victories as well

It was a rough day. I'm not going to sugar coat it because that wouldn't be the truth. Having said that, a rough day doesn't always translate into a bad day.   We were surprised with the boys not having school today. It was for an unusual reason but it was nice having everyone together.  I ended up getting a ton of work done and even hit the grocery store with Gavin before dinner.  He wouldn't stop talking but he was a huge help and I'm really proud of him. ☺  Elliott finished up his homework, even though he didn't want to. He was a bit resistant at first but after a few minutes, he totally owned it and finished everything without a complaint. A lot of positive reinforcement was…


I need to go to the store but I’m way to tired  to safely drive

The boys are getting ready to be picked up by my sister and taken for ice cream. This is for their respective birthdays.  It'll just be the E's cause Gavin already had his turn..  Both Elliott and Emmett have been at each other's throats today and the time outside the house, maybe just what the doctor ordered.  I know it's what my doctor ordered... 😁  I still have few errands to run but I'm too exhausted to be driving at this point.   When they leave, I'm going do what I can to get my second wind and pull it together. I have to see how I'm feeling.. 


Some days I’m just able to cope better

It's been a pretty decent morning so far.  The kids are home from school today as a result of excessive heat conditions in a school without cooling capabilities.  The boys were pleasantly surprised, although Elliott was upset a little bit because he wanted to go to school.  They settled in nicely and are playing Minecraft together.   Lizze is at a doctor's appointment and I've been straightening up. All the boys have been medicated, including Gavin who will soon go to bed in order to sleep off his morning medications.   While I'm completely overwhelmed, I'm not doing too bad this morning.  Being overwhelmed is pretty much a default setting anymore and there are just some days that I seem to cope better. Today happens to be one of those…