I really screwed the pooch on this one but it could have been worse

This is going to be one of those days where I know going into it that it's gonna suck a big one. This time it's because I screwed up again.  When I had the boys at the immunologist/allergist, earlier this year, follow-up appointments had been made that somehow never made it into the calendar.  I'm very meticulous with managing my calendar and everything syncs with my Google Apps account across all my devices but the ball was dropped somewhere along the way.  Yesterday I received a phone call confirming the boys appointment for today. I didn't even have a clue we were supposed to be there today and that's really frustrating for me.   For whatever reason, the appointments were no longer in my calendar, so I didn't plan for…


I’m on my own tonight and I really need the boys to cooperate 

It was a good day at school for the boys. Everyone came home in a good mood and I really like these kinda days.   Elliott's homework is pretty much done for the week already and Emmett doesn't have any. This means the boys are pretty much free for the rest of the day.  Lizze will be in class for another couple of hours and won't get home until after the boys are in bed.  I'm trying to keep things calm because I have a conference call at 6:30pm for work and unless the boys are in a good place, that won't be able to happen.   I only need about 30 minutes of relative quiet in order to finish this call and I'm really hoping that the boys will…


I want to take a moment and say Thank You

It's important to me that you all know how much I truly appreciate your support. Support comes in all different shapes and sizes but it all helps.  Thank you all so much for continuing to follow our journey. Thank you all for supporting my mission and my efforts to help the world better understand what Autism Parenting can be like.   Everytime a post gets Liked, Retweeted, +1 or shared in some other fashion, it helps me reach more families that are struggling. It helps me to educate the world about what Autism can be like in real life and that has already proven to make a difference.  As a result of your support, there are people out there that are more understanding and compassionate towards people with Autism and their…


I’ve been running on fumes since last night

Today was one of those days where I was completely drained at the onset. Gavin's mission debriefing really took a great deal more out of me last night than I originally thought.  After getting the boys to school, I crashed for a little while. I was even too tired to get my walk in this morning.  I feel a little better now but Lizze is leaving for class which means Gavin has to come with me to pick up the boys. He's already trying to fill me in on a nightmare that Twilight Sparkle had last night or something like that anyway.  It feels like there's no escape from this... I know that sounds terrible but it's the reality of how I'm feeling right now. Gavin has asked me to…


Sometimes it’s difficult to remain positive but this is what I do to prove it’s not impossible 

I'm going to bed tonight with mindset that when I wake up, the slate will be wiped clean. I'm going into the new day with a sense of I can totally do this.  It doesn't matter how positive a person is because when faced with the unending challenges associated with being an Autism parent, it can become difficult to remain positive.  That said, being difficult and being impossible are two very different things. While it may be difficult to focus on the positive, it's certainly not impossible. I feel pretty comfortable saying that because we have more than our fair share of challenge, heartache and pain.  I find that there's always something worth celebrating, at least on most days.  I'm really trying to focus on the positive and as a…


Unfortunately, Gavin isn’t getting better and tonight’s appointment is proof of that

We met with Dr. Pattie tonight and one of the main topics was Gavin. He's officially been back on 800mg per day of Clozapine for 48 hours. While we haven't seen any improvements, we continue to see his side effects becoming more significant.   Gavin had been waiting all day to tell the three of us about his latest missions.  When it was time for him to share, he just unloaded on us.  He talked pretty much nonstop for over 20 minutes.   His adventures were more of the same. He's the indispensable hero that sees all and knows all. He uses his power to smite evil (I've been watching Supernatural, so that's my word not his) and reign over his Universe.  He told us about how he can glue…