Gavin’s not doing well

It's been a difficult couple of days for Gavin. It's safe to say that the increase in Clozapine has significantly increased the side effects he had begun suffering from about two years ago. Gavin's been struggling with what presents itself as bladder issues.  He's constantly running back and forth to the bathroom, without having to actually go. He has the overwhelming urge to go and while sometimes he does indeed have to go, most of the time it's a false alarm. We're having many almost accidents and Gavin is absolutely miserable because he can't go anywhere without this interfering. This isn't a bladder infection because he's been tested and cleared many times. Unfortunately, this is a very rare but documented side effect of Clozapine and is apparently more prominent if…


(PSA) Love & Autism: A Conference with Heart, Hosts 3rd Annual Event with World-Renowned Speakers, October 8-9

​Love & Autism: A Conference with Heart, Hosts 3rd Annual Event with World-Renowned Speakers, October 8-9 -Love & Autism collaborates with professional speakers to discuss the paradigms about love and relationships for those on the autism spectrum as well as those who have been affected by autism-   San Diego, Calif. (August 17, 2016) – Hundreds of guests will come together October 8-9, 2016, to attend the third annual Love & Autism event, a conference to inspire and bring awareness to the fact that every individual, even those diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, deserves to be loved and have high-quality relationships in life. Held at Liberty Station Conference Center in San Diego, Calif, the two-day conference will feature world-renowned professional speakers in the autism field and role models in the…


Today’s Victory: Taking care of ourselves

Everyday I want to try and celebrate something positive that occurred. It's important to me that I not get swallowed up by all the shit in our lives. It's also important that I present both sides of Autism parenting.  There are days that truly suck and I'd love nothing more than to board the Crazy Train with a one way ticket to I don't care where.  At the same time, there are also moments where I'm reminded how truly blessed I am to have my kids. It's these moments that I live for because they help me find the strength to keep on keeping on, especially on the bad days.  With that in mind, here's what I'm celebrating today.   The boys went to spend some time with my amazing…


It’s not been a good day in our neighborhood 

The boys are spending the day with their Grandparents. It's not been a good day in our neighborhood and I'm glad the kids are able to get away and enjoy the weather in a safe place.  I'm reminded of just how badly we need to move but can't... 😕 It's frustrating and one of those things that always sits in the back of my mind. Days like today allow it to bubble to the surface... 


Today has been a sensory nightmare for my family 

We've all heard the phrase if Mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy.. In our case it's a bit different because it goes if Emmett ain't happy ain't nobody happy.  Today was a day where Emmett really, really struggled.  Everything surrounding food was tough for him and navigating through the day, while coexisting with his brothers proved very trying.  All the boys need to be able to play outside. There's a great deal of sensory input that can be had from crashing and bashing around the yard.  Unfortunately, where we live, it's just not something we can let them do and that breaks my heart.  Anyway, Emmett was like a very tightly wound spring, all day long. He was like a cat getting ready to pounce on something. There's that moment…


Why it’s so hard to keep my kids with #Autism and #SPD fed

This issomething I've been meaning to talk about but haven't gotten around to it. I know many of you parenting kids with Autism and or sensory processing disorder will be able to relate to this.  I'm talking about how difficult it can be to feed my kids.  This is one of those things that unless you're experiencing it, it's extremely difficult to wrap your head around because instinct tells us that if the child is really hungry, they'll eat. In more typical cases, that may apply but in cases of Autism and SPD, this does not apply.  When it comes to my family, there are numerous reasons why feeding my kids is very difficult to do.  These reasons are all intertwined, tangled and knotted up together. It's very challenging to…


Depending on what you consider early, I think the kids slept in this morning 

If you consider 7am sleeping in, than the boys slept in this morning.  ☺  This is a very good thing for Elliott because he's been struggling to the stay asleep for the last week or so. The poor kid needed some sleep.  Gavin was briefly awake before going back to bed himself. He may still be a little under the weather from his IVIG infusion last night. Hopefully, he'll rest for a little bit and be back to driving me crazy with his incessant talking in a little bit.  lol I let Lizze sleep in this morning and I've been hanging out with the boys playing Minecraft.  While I'm feeling drained, I'm also in a really good mood.  ☺  There's a small chance the boys will be going to their…