I’m pretty much death warmed over this morning
I can tell already that it's gonna be a really tough morning
I can tell already that it's gonna be a really tough morning
"He had an ultrasound on both his kindneys and his bladder. Then they did an x-ray of his bladder as well. Gavin did great during all three procedures."
It's been a really, really long day but we've finally made it home... Now what?
"We actually made it to the registration desk only two minutes late. That's pretty fricking amazing considering everything that was working against us."
"Gavin and I are supposed to be at the Cleveland Clinic this afternoon. The purpose of this trip is to see the urologist and figure how to help manage his bladder issues."
"They refer to him as a seeker because he's constantly seeking sensory input. Today was all about crashing and bashing."
"If anyone tells you that being an Autism or special needs parent is easy, ask them for some of whatever they're smoking because they're likely smoking something."