The boys and I did something we don’t often do anymore
The boys and I got to do something we don't always get to do.
The boys and I got to do something we don't always get to do.
"The boys made it off to school today but just barely. Elliott wanted to go to school but Emmett was complaining of not feeling well."
"I meant to call the school and give them a heads up but I was so tired from not sleeping well again. I dropped the ball and forgot to call"
"Gavin had a really good IVIG infusion this morning. He's gaining a little bit of weight so there's more body fat on his tummy to make needle placement less painful."
Very few things are as bad as starting a Monday as tired as I am
There's so little help available for parents of special needs kids. There's a massive shortfall in the availability of services needed for the Autism or special needs children themselves. Parents are even further down the ladder.
"There are two things we need to talk about. The first is the latest lab results for Gavin and the second is a different approach we're taking with the Clozapine."
There's really something a bit frustrating when it come to not being able to sleep, even when the kids aren't even home